Nov 09, 2011 20:11
Americans once again demonstrated their lack of brain power and disability when it comes to critical thought yesterday.
Ohioans voted overwhelmingly in support of Issue 3, which would revise the Ohio constitution in order to allow it to opt out of "Obamacare." The thing was sold as a way to bow out of the individual mandate for health insurance, but what people did not realize is that it also rejects the other Healthcare Bill policies that protect people from discrimination by insurance companies. There was not much of a movement against Issue 3 and I am guessing that is because it will be ruled out by violation of federal law, however, the whole incident demonstrates the uninformed decision making that people in this country regularly employ and their susceptibility to propaganda. It also demonstrates the illogical knee-jerk hatred of the current administration, mostly on the part of Baby Boomers and the uneducated.
I am figuring out the Boomers, finally. My mother is the stereotypical uninformed, latently racist, entitled Boomer and she represents many others. She thinks Obama is a socialist and no amount of logic or evidence can convince her otherwise. When I told her that she is the product of the socialist policies of her generation, she had no retort. But, really, I am right. The Tea Partiers (more accurately referred to as the Tealiban) are led by the Boomer generation and base their rabid hatred of "socialism" on the privilege they have enjoyed and the perception that theirs is the only generation entitled to it.
You're welcome, Boomers, for the Social Security payments that Gen X is providing to you. You're welcome for the New Deal and the post WW2 economic restructuring policies that have allowed you to live in a world, rather unscathed by the struggles of unemployment, underemployment, outsourcing, deindustrialization, low wages, and lack of job security. You got out of the workforce just in time! Aren't you lucky? You have enjoyed your privileges and now that it is someone else's turn, you don't want to budge an inch.
Luckily Issue 2, which would have upheld fascist anti-union policies put into place by our illustrious Governer Dickhead Kasich, was defeated. This was thanks to the public servants who would have lost their collective bargaining rights and many of their benefits as outlined in Senate Bill 5. From what I can tell, though the pro-Issue 2 people were the one and the same Baby Boomer Teapartiers who are working so hard to defeat policies geared toward equal access to basic social resources.
My own parents voted against me by voting "Yes on 2" even after I explained to them the losses I would personally incur as a result. I can't speak to my father's motivation in doing so, but mother was viciously pursuing punishment for public school teachers, who she perceives as horrible, undeserving losers who bilk the school system. It is nice to know that after working so hard to make the relatively crappy money I do and racking up $150,000 in debt for my useless education, that my own mother would sacrifice me to punish a few bad eggs.
This country is truly hopeless, I think. Everything we are pursuing now is regressive, not progressive. Americans are so fucking self-righteous that they think moving in this direction is desirable, that they are setting some kind of great example. On the world stage, all it does is make us weaker, both economically and morally.