Sep 01, 2009 08:58
Uuhhhh...... All the time! I boycott most mainstream companies as much as possible.
Proctor & Gamble-- if there were such a thing as the devil, this is it incarnate. Known for animal testing, nasty poisonous ingredients in everything, and highly aggressive marketing. Anyone ever notice the "P&G Saver" in the Sunday paper? Or how your favorite products suddenly disappear from store shelves? I used to buy Method brand stuff at Target but it has been almost entirely replaced by P&G products.
Wal*Mart- Need I say any more?
Monsanto- Ugh! Where do I begin? Monsanto has poisoned nearly all the corn and soybeans in the world. Unless you are buying certified organic corn and soybeans or buying from a farmer who uses heirlooms or traditional hybrids, you are eating genetically engineered stuff. Control of genetic plant material IS Monsanto's business. And they spend millions protecting that control. They have a mafia that literally spies on farmers in search of "violations." They regularly sue farmers for violating usury rights, even if nothing was used. There are MANY cases of action taken by Monsanto because their GE products have cross contaminated someone's field. So, if you have real corn and your neighbor has GE corn, you can be sued when the GE corn tries to mate with yours. There was a story in the film Food, Inc. about a "seed cleaner," a guy who gathers seeds and prepares them for farmers to use the next year (as is the tradition of true farming). Even though this guy NEVER touched a Monsanto seed, they took him to court for "encouraging others to save seeds." The guy spent tens of thousands of dollars defending himself and "settled" out of court when he could no longer afford it anymore. He is now out of business.
Archer Daniels Midland, Cargill, and other Big Ag corporations -See above. Also realize how much power these corporations have to influence policy. It is downright scary. and dangerous.
All mainstream cosmetic and "personal care" companies- Not only do many of these companies have ties to P&G and engage in animal teting, but most also use animal ingredients in their stuff meaning it is not vegan. Furthermore, even the few that are "cruelty free" still use poisons in their products. Parabens, anyone?
Coca-Cola- Not only do they sponsor the Cheyenne Rodeo Days and blatantly lie about it, but they use questionable marketing strategies. Coke is big on undercutting the competition by enrolling food service providers and institutions in exclusivity contracts. In exchange for disallowing other brands, Coke promises to give certain kickbacks. For instance, many universities now contract with Coke in exchange for Coke scholarships and contributions to student organizations and such. Problem is, Coke inflates the value of these kickbacks and doesn't always follow through with their promises.
McDonald's and other fast food- Unhealthy, for sure. But aside from that, their marketing is downright illegal. No matter, though, because Mickey D's spend a shit ton of money on legal and has the power to defeat any criticism of their business. Checkout the film "McLibel" for a good primer in this arena. And do you think they supported the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act? You bet they did.
Kroger- I hate Kroger but I cannot say I am 100% boycotting them because I lve in a rural town and that is the only place I can go sometimes. BUT, I only got here if I really have to. AND, I will NOT use their "big brother card" (don't even have one). Why, you ask? It saves you money doesn't it? No, it does not. Kroger purposefully jacked up prices when the card was introduced. Many of these prices are WELL above suggested retail and are not comparable to prices at other stores. It is only when you use your card that you can receive the price that everyone else is already selling for. Example: We had to buy bottled water for a conference. At Kroger the water was $3.99. WITH CARD. Without card? $12.00!!!! We opted for Kmart (the only other place in town besides WalMart), where the EXACT same water was being sold for...... $3.99.
I could go on all day. Suffice it to say that I boycott nearly every mainstream company out there. I buy as much animal free, chemical free, local, organic, small business stuff as I can.
writer's block