(no subject)

Feb 10, 2007 00:40

A quick summary of yesterday:

The designers got dressed up for dinner to celebrate Tata's show. Earls screwed us out of a table-bastards! Went to Sugarbowl instead and squeezed together around two tables. Had chicken alfredo- yummy! Went to Timms and got tickets. Admired Rumplestiltskin's  headshot.   Vowed to help convince Guido to let us work on Timms' shows when we're fourth years. Was wowed by Tata's set, costumes and lights.  Wished  Rumplestiltskin had more parts. Wished he was stripped naked even more than he was.^_^ Laughed hard when Advah almost lost her moustache. Woke Marie up a couple of times. Planned to see the show again. Had dumplings at the reception. Admired Darren in his suit.  Wished I had someone to kiss. Went back to studio and worked on English essay. Went home and stayed up until three finishing it.

Next week: portfolio due! Theatre history midterm to write! Lots of stress! A Teatro la Quicinda play! Possibly some nude plays!
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