Feb 24, 2006 23:23
So I went to this Mardi Gras dance sponsored by RHA tonight. And it pretty much sucked. After my drunk ass "friend" dropped a glass on the middle of the dance floor, they took off and left me alone.
It was then that I realized the pointlessness of it all. Had I actually gotten a girl or guy to dance with me, it would have just ended there, and I prolly wouldn't have actually made anything out of it.
But regardless, that didn't even happen, so I just eventually left.
The more I experience life, the more I realize that I am absolutely correct.
Life is just a random conflagration of events, none of them ever meaning anything.
Here is the truth, like it or not:
1. Someday, you will die.
2. Nothing else will happen, it is just the end of all
3. All the things that you have done up to that point will be meaningless.
4. There is no real human advancement, just change.
5. If you are remembered, you will just be a name and a concept.
6. You are powerless to make substantial change.
7. There is no happiness, only endorphins and dopamine giving the illusion of happiness to you.
8. When death comes, you will die alone.
9. Love is also a random, chemical reaction. (I would go so far to say it doesn't exist)
10. The end will not bring peace, except for the peace of ultimate sleep.
Nothing you say will change my opinion. I don't even think it is so much an opinion as the actual facts.
Here is to the end. May it come with swiftness and bring you peace in life.