Feb 12, 2012 00:17
It felt oddly good to put some time in behind the wheel today. I haven't had a long drive alone since I was rushed out of the state on New Year's Day, so it was nice to be on the road. I like listening to music or a book, but most of all I like having the time to think. Here are some of this evening's thoughts:
I have always wanted to lay in a blanket in the middle of a cornfield and look up at the stars.
Truly, the "corn" part is negotiable, but considering where I currently find myself... I thought about it a lot on the drive home tonight.
You really do meet some amazing people if you put yourself out there. I only see "my [alumni] people" 2 or 3 times a year (yes, that's maybe 6 times in my entire life), but every time I see them, I have a great time. We even stayed after the game this time around, discussing some of the usual Things We Miss From Michigan, but we also talked about the economy, abstinence-based sex education, teen pregnancy, and some other hot button issues.
Lots of people want me to get a cat. I don't really know why other people have such strong feelings about whether I adopt an animal, but even when I mentioned it tonight, Donna demanded to see a picture and Steve poked my repeatedly saying "get the cat get the cat get the cat." I'm trying to be ambivalent about it because I don't want to make my official decision until I have all of the facts. This is a big deal, both for me and for Sampson-the-cat, and I owe it to both of us to take my time about it. Confession: I bought cat treats at the store today, but I'm not telling anyone. At the very least, I want to make a good impression on him when we meet tomorrow. Think of it as the equivalent of showing up to a friend's house with a bottle of wine.
My food choices have been seriously lacking lately, not just in overall healthfulness, but also in the organic/sustainable direction. I watched "King Corn" and "No Impact Man" this weekend in an attempt to bring some more consciousness to my decisions.
I miss the farmers market.
I miss trees. Whenever I say this in Iowa, Iowans point to the nearest small stand of trees and say "look, there are tress."
There's the phrase "I can't seem to see the forest from the trees"--that's what I want. I want to stand somewhere where I can't see where the trees end. They just go on and on forever.
This last week was really stressful at work. I work up one morning consumed by stress on a level I never have before--I was very emotional about it, almost cry-y and shaking. I know I'm becoming a more emotional person, and it only lasted a few minutes, but still... it really freaked me out. Even sitting here now, I want to shake that memory of me and tell her to get a grip.
I'm hoping next week will have less stress, or, at the very least, it will go quickly.
I can't wait to celebrate the month's end.