Hmn, so I'm researching this whole publishing thing, and I've found a similar site which I might enjoy writing for even more. Has anyone heard of
Suite101? It's a similar concept, but there are 2 major differences which appeal to me on a major level: it's not community-based (I may have hit a bit of a wall when trying to plan articles to tie into the Allentown area-- yeah, it would be great to write about Drac's Ball and the Philly Zombie Crawl, but that would be better suited for the Philly edition of that site, not the Allentown edition). Second point: writers on Suite101 seem to have more flexiblity in their topics. That is, I've looked at the article listings of several contributors, and their articles cover everything from movies to news to career advice to pet advice. . .all in a single archive. So on Suite101, I'd be able to write about zombie encounters AND vampire folklore AND Odhinnism AND the fabulous new avocado chicken recipe I invented AND why children scare the piss out of me, and so on. So, if anyone has any experience with Suite101, I'd love to hear about it.
So I'm leaning more towards Suite101 now. Methinks I'd have more fun and better results if I get to write a variety of articles without having to tie them in to the Allentown community. . .
The last 24 hours have certainly been fascinating. Hooray for learning about some of the opportunities available to a lazy writer who wants to assert herself a bit more and get used to writing for publication on a regular basis, yeah? I'm not so concerned with making money off of my writing just yet. Right now, it's more about getting back into the habit of writing on a daily basis and learning to write with the intent of letting people read the end result (I must stop hoarding my work and sheilding it from prying eyes!).
Which reminds me, I need to locate my latest copy of "The Writer" magazine so I can make a list of the fiction writing contests that sound interesting. Now that I'm settled in and have my office, I can start prepping and submitting fiction to contests just for the hell of it.