This is an erasure for
Title: To Break the Status Quo
Rating: G
Fandom (of original text): Naruto
Pairings/Characters: N/A
Word Count: 116
Summary: An erasure for
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, nor do I own
The World, Made by Hand.
The world is poetic )
I love the planting and flower imagery you really bring out here - flowering, a weed growing, and digging. And she transforms by the end! into something happy through a trial, from a perfect world with discontent to a hard world of work where she is too happy. (hmmmmm, too happy! that is thought-provoking). I like this a lot a lot :D
Haha, the flower imagery owes itself to the fact that there is mention of flowers in the original text, or it never would have happened. :\ And, yeah, the too happy. :D I'm glad you picked up on that!
Thanks so much for reading and for setting up the whole comm! ♥
I did see the flower imagery in the original - I just really really like how you integrated it! It's not overwhelming but it's still there and effective and that is super awesome.
lol, thank YOU for participating! anyway, this was all just a plot to convert people to erasure poetry and get more erasures for my reading pleasure ;D
Oh, thank you! I loved the way the flower represented what I was trying to get across in my poem perfectly, so I had to include it. :D
Haha, no problem, I had fun doing it! This should be annual.
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