Jun 07, 2008 07:19
Do you remember how it was?
When we used to be young and free
For all the times that we shared,
We found a lot of stories to be made
All the sorrows and the joys that we passed,
Just make our life stories getting longer and more interesting.
To be laugh on
To be cried on.
To be smile on
There in that small place
In that small town
The place that would never be apart from my mind
The place that give me a lot of tales and stories
That being poured to my big pan of my life
I put some sugar of happiness
A bitter of this sadness life
And a sour of this tears
And you poured mine some my old friends
Thought you will never be here again my friends, like you was
But, you gave the hope that makes me believe
That you still here by my side
To show your brightest smile that long time I have never seen
I would never grab your wings again my friends
Coz I know that you will go so far away sometimes
And back to give me other songs
A lot of songs that I've never heard before
The song that will be sing with our songs
That was and still be singing
Ini cuma puisi buat temen lama aku yang lama nggak kontak ma aku. Lama mengira bahwa dia lupa sama aku, ternyataaaaaa,......iya....eh,nggak deng! Ternyata dia masih inget sama aku.
Uh,.....kangen sama temen2ku yang jauh di pulau.
^____^Udah 9bulan lebih nggak ketemu ma Sujuers (Geng Pencinta SuJu ), Aida (Dong Hae) lagi Jakarta, Nyanko (Hee Chul) lagi di Kalimantan (Balikpapan), Ira |(Sung Min) lagi di Bandung, Pue-Chan (Hee Chul) lagi skul di Komatsu-Jepang, Ibul |(Kim Ki Bum) lagi di Osaka Daigaku, hiks..hiks...kangeun!Jadi inget pas zaman di kos-an deket kampus baheula. Teriak2 nyanyi Korea (walopun cuma ngerti setengah2 Hanggul) bareng, cekakakan gila2 nonton Reality Show Korea yang konyol en kocak abis. Masa-masa itulah yang dirindukan saat ini, nanti.....