RP log with need2bebusy | Surprises

Nov 25, 2009 20:51

[Follows THIS]

It was late afternoon, and Chris had curled himself into a strange position on the bed during his sleep, the pillow barely retaining gravity to stay on the mattress from where the corner of it was tucked under his cheek. He was hovering somewhere in the realm of not quite asleep but not quite awake either, and when he abruptly sneezed loudly, the pillow fell to the floor and he woke up suddenly, shooting into a sitting position in the bed. There were a few groggy moments before he even realised where he was, blinking blearily and scratching at an itch on the side of his chest as he yawned widely. He sniffled, rubbing at his nose and as he did so, his eyes finally landed on his sister who was standing beside her bed with her arms folded, giving him an expectant look.

Chris had the decency to at least look sheepish. He had broken into her house and invaded her bed, after all. Especially with her thinking he was on the West Coast, and all. Obviously he wasn't on the West Coast. He was here, in Princeton, with her, and had accidentally fallen asleep when that really hadn't been in his plan of surprise attack at all. He really would make a shit burglar. He might know how to pick locks or hot wire a car, just because he wanted to know how it all worked, but he had too much of a conscience to ever be able to pull of crime without getting caught. He pointed over his shoulder with his thumb. "Hey Big Sis. Your pansies out the back need watering," he offered with a sheepish grin.

There had been a moment during the early hours of the morning where George had been pleased to find a body beside her. She'd curled up against it in her sleep thinking it was Matt, only to find out it was her brother. The shock to her system had been huge, but thankfully she hadn't tried to molest her younger sibling in any way. Matt hadn't been spending the night lately, so in amongst the shock of finding Chris in her bed was a disappointment at him not being Matt that she wasn't going to admit to. They weren't in a relationship. They were just having some fun. She shouldn't have felt disappointed.

She arched an eyebrow, trying to hide the amusement she suddenly felt at seeing him there all crumpled with sleep and looking like butter would melt in his mouth despite the deviant streak she knew Chris possessed. "Wonder why they need that, little brother. So you don't call, you don't write, then just show up here without a word? You deserve a wet willy for that." She knelt on the bed and started to move closer to him as she smirked. "And I have every intention of following through on the punishment," she said as she sucked her finger in preparation.

Chris shrieked and scooted back in the bed, shoving the covers off the end with his feet in his haste to escape her clutched. "I didn't just show up!" he protested, his voice rising in a panic, even if he was laughing. "I'll fart on you!" he warned as a preventative tactic. It didn't matter that they were now both technically adults. Or one adult and one teenager. This sort of thing would probably never stop between them. They were always driving their parents up the wall when they were kids, chasing each other around the house and getting into loud and boistrous mischief. He pushed up against the head of the bed as far as he could get, holding his hands out in surrender.

George stopped, but not because he'd threatened to fart on her. Her finger still hovered in the air but her eyes were narrowed as she looked at him. "What do you mean you didn't just show up? I think I wouldn't have noticed if you'd been living in my house and sleeping in my bed." She leaned forward, the finger moving towards his face. "I think you better spill your guts right now, Christopher."

"I've been here for three weeks!" Chris admitted in a rush, his breath coming out in small pants as he still tried to squirm out of her way. "Well, not here, in your bed. Here, in Princeton. Three weeks." He held up three fingers in front of her face with a smile that anyone would think was complete innocence on the outside. "Nice town, Princeton. Lots of trees and... doctors."

George was climbing on top of him now, pinning her brother in place as she glowered down at him. "THREE WEEKS?!" Despite being right on top of him, her voice still rose to almost shouting level as her anger sparked. George was a great nurse, but her one downfall would always be a quick temper. The moment someone truly pissed her off, they more than knew about it. "Three fucking weeks, and you didn't fucking say? Who gives a shit about trees and doctors when you don't even tell your own goddamn sister that you're in town! Three weeks ago you were supposed to be starting college. You better not have ditched college for some bimbo with double Ds!"

Chris winced and then cringed underneath her. It wasn't really supposed to go like this, and it definitely wasn't how he planned it. In fact, he floundered now he was actually faced with her and it all suddenly seemed like a stupid idea. But being a teenager, his mind travelled certain routes first and it took him a couple of moments for him to realise that double Ds were referring to boobs and he made a horrified noise of protest. "What?!" he cried, nudging at her leg with his foot to try and get some leverage. "Why would I do that?! Since when have you just assumed I was like every other guy?! You knew I hadn't... didn't..." He waved his hand for emphasis. It wasn't easy to verbalise that he had still been a virgin last time he spoke to her. He couldn't help being offended by her comment.

George sat back a little. He was right. He hadn't. "But you have? When were you going to tell me? You used to tell me everything! You couldn't even tell me you were here." George ran a hand over her face, trying to shake the anger that had taken root. Her little brother had tried to surprise her, and she was realising that she was very much sticking a giant pin in his bubble. "Shit, 'topher, I'm sorry. I don't mean to be a raging bitch. I really am glad to see you, you know that, right? You're welcome to sneak in anytime... within reason. I just can't believe you've been here three weeks and you never said." She moved, this time pulling him into a hug. "I've missed you."

Chris hugged her back with a small huff. He couldn't help being a bit irked. Nothing he planned had actually worked out in the end. "I wanted to surprise you, so I thought waiting would make it even more awesome. I didn't expect you to get your bitch on with me. Is this something to do with the dude?" he couldn't help but ask. "And I was going to tell you! That's my point! I had it all planned out, only it didn't work out how it was supposed to! I'm here now. Princeton. I didn't get into the California University. I got in here, to Princeton University! I'm living on campus, and doing Engineering, not the other thing I told you, which I can't even remember what it was now. I need to start making notes in my evil genius plans."

George stayed tangled up with her brother as she was the one looking sheepish now. "I'm sorry, okay? You can fart on me for being a bitch. I won't even fight it. What dude?" Her eyes went wide briefly. She hadn't even told Christ yet about Matt. There hadn't really been much to tell. She was fucking her trainee nurse. It sounded bad considering she was his boss at the moment. Even if it did feel so right when they were in bed together. Well, when they did make it to the bed. "You got into Princeton? Oh my god, Chris! That's amazing, I'm so proud of you. I just wish you had told me! We could have been celebrating by now at that new bar near there." George started to laugh as she laid a sloppy kiss on his cheek. "Evil genius or not, I'm definitely proud of you."

Chris pretended to try and wriggle away from the sloppy kisses, but he really loved them. Any attention he got from his big sister, he loved. It probably explained why he used to inevitably get into trouble a lot when he was younger trying to get her attention at the most inopportune times. He lost count of the amount of times he ended up in the naughty corner for getting into mischief when he should have been doing something else... like being quiet and not tracking mud into the house. "It was my first choice! First acceptance letter, too! I got into Harvard, but I didn't want to go there. Who do I know anywhere near there? I wanted to come here. It's been hard not telling you! I wanted to! And I nearly let slip every time I spoke to you! Mom got all shitty with me because I was keeping secrets from you, but I wanted to surprise you!"

George wrinkled her nose a little at the mention of their mother. It wasn't like she didn't love their Mom. She did, she just loved their Dad more. The divorce had been hard on the kids, especially when their Mom hadn't really made any effort when their Dad had had his heart attack. George was a nurse because she had been the one to watch their Dad in hospital, and the staff that had taken care of him. She gave Chris another kiss before ruffling his hair. "I can't believe you had all this planned and I didn't know a thing! I know I should be sending you off to Harvard, but I'm just so happy you're here. I've missed you so much, kiddo. Mom knew?"

"Well, you were busy being the boss person, so it was a bit easier that way. And yeah, I told Mom. If you spoke to her, she would have told you I was at Princeton if she didn't know, wouldn't she?" Chris reasoned, flopping back against the pillows. "Dad knew, too, but he thought it was cool. He helped me last few times he spoke to you, remember? Telling you I was loving California and all that. He said he would do that. I've just been trying to get used to being on campus and find my way around the place. It's huge, and everyone seems so studenty. I feel like I'm crashing a private party, and there are some really snooty kids in this place. They need to get the bugs out of their butts."

George opened her mouth before she shut it again. "I do talk to Mom. I talk to her most days... Maybe not as much as Dad, but still. She just changed the subject when I tried to talk about you. Dad's the reason we're both sneaky as all hell. He's such a deviant himself. Heart attack never stopped him once. I can't believe everyone knew but me." George rolled away to flop next to her brother and turned her head to watch him quietly for a moment. "College is always weird to start off with. You'll find your groove, 'topher. Just need to find at least one friend to start with. Can't believe you haven't got anyone to chill with. What about girls? You must have them crawling over themselves for you."

Chris shrugged. "I don't mind it. I get along with most people. I just don't let on that I think they're stuck up snots, and smile charmingly. The girls are nice, too, but some of them need to invest in some clothes that actually fit and not give us views of their assets every time they bend over," he decided thoughtfully and then turned to look at her with a smirk. "So, who is he? That's Paco Rabanne I can smell. I know, because I bought it once. Men's fragrance. I think it's on your sheets, and I don't think Paco Rabanne has moved into laundry liquid."

"Fuck me, if I see one more girl's pussy that I'm not needing to tend to in a professional manner, I'm just going to start covering my eyes with duct tape." George had gotten so used to the smell of Matt on her bed she had barely noticed it. Until Chris pointed it out. She just laughed it off, but realised it was his turn to interrogate her now, and cleared her throat. "Um, he's... ah, it's someone I work with. We're not--there's nothing serious going on. Just fucking."

Chris pulled a face, his nose scrunching up. "Why? Why aren't you dating him?" he asked immediately. "The leather jacket and t-shirt out in the living room, too. Did you boot him out naked or something? Is he a nurse? A doctor? What's he like? Nice jacket, too. How long have you known him? What's his name?"

George held her hand up. "Take a breath, little brother. I'm not dating him because it's never come up. We're... well, I'm technically still his boss. Pat's been away for a while because he had a really bad MS attack. I stepped in the same time Matt came to us after graduating. Matt Murray. I've known him for a few months now. I didn't boot him out. He went. He nearly always goes after. He's never stayed." George managed not to let the disappointment show through, shrugging it off. "He's a nurse just in case the me being his boss part wasn't clear."

Chris' mouth dropped open and he gaped at her. "You're his boss?!" he cried. "Is that even allowed? Can't you get in trouble for that? Why don't you ask him to stay? Do you want him to stay? Do I get to meet him? Months? Why don't you want to date him?"

"I wasn't sleeping with him that whole time," George felt the need to clarify. "I did admire his ass the whole time, though. He has a fucking fantastic ass. I just want to lick it all the time. And I don't think I can get in trouble... I mean, shit happens. If we all got in trouble for dating colleagues then no one would work at a hospital. I think it's only a problem if it's affecting work. I'm not harassing him. I'm not forcing him to do things because I'm having sex with him. Dating him would be... I don't know. I just haven't thought about it. But I guess it would be nice if he stayed. Staying means dating, though." George blinked, her eyes going wide briefly. "Do you want to meet him?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I? But it kinda sounds like he's just your booty call. Meeting the family probably isn't on the agenda. Shame, considering I'm going to be a permanent fixture around here. If I ever accidentally bump into a nurse called Matt, I might need to be a slight pain in the ass. Might have to check myself into the ER for research purposes," Chris said with a mischievous smirk. He was already planning on hinting to their Dad that George had a boyfriend.

George quirked an eyebrow before she nudged her brother with her elbow. "Don't think I don't know that look. How about you come meet me for lunch one day. Accidental meeting of the family doesn't count. You can meet him without meeting him if you get what I mean. And without finding reason to land yourself in the ER. I'll be even more of a bitch if you hurt yourself on purpose."

"It might be an accident," Chris said, not committing himself to any promises that he would be good. Whenever he did that, he always seemed to end up in trouble anyway. He had a tendency of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. "See, you are hiding him. Or hiding from yourself. You want your brother to accidentally meet your booty call? Stop for a moment and think about that."

George made a face before she started to pull away and get out of the bed. She wasn't stopping to think about anything if she could help it. "Just don't want you in the ER, that's all. Not if I can help it. Now, are you hungry? How about I make you breakfast. You actually managed to catch me on my day off, so take advantage while you can. Do you have classes?"

Chris snorted, put out. He sniffed as he climbed off the bed. "Yeah, I'm hungry, but I'm not telling you my secrets until you tell me yours, and I can be a huge pain in the ass like that," he reminded her as he stretched his arms up over his head and then brought them back down to rest on his head. "And I don't have class until Monday, so I'm going to haunt you until then."

George smiled at him like the idea of his haunting her brother haunting her wasn't a problem. "Doesn't bother me. I've been able to ghost bust you for years. I know all your tricks, remember. I taught you half of them. And I don't have secrets! He's a booty call. That's it."

"You're lying. I've known you for years too, remember," Chris said smugly as he walked past her to head for the door. If the guy was just a booy call, then Chris was going to be the Oprah.

George reached out to push him lightly before moving past him to try and take the lead again. "I'm not lying! He can't be more if he doesn't want to be more. It's a two-way thing. I'm not into crushes and obsessions and being around when I'm not wanted."

"I don't give a toss about what he thinks, I'm talking about what you're thinking. And you want him. You want him for more than a booty call, so you're ly-ing," Chris said in an infuriating sing-song voice as he once again came up behind her and slipped past her to get in front. Then he stopped, throwing her a look over his shoulder as she came up behind him and waited for the perfect point to fart right in front of her.

George gave a laugh of disbelief as she waved her hand in front of her face. "Jesus Christ, 'topher! For someone's who's hungry you have a lot of fuel in your stomach." She moved up next to him and pressed her ass against him as she let out a fart of his own.

Chris nudged her away. "Like you can talk! See, if you had your boyfriend, you would be farting like that on him and not me!" He patted his stomach. "I was saving that one up. There might be an encore," he warned.

George snorted as she hooked her arm around Chris and raised herself up to lick the side of his face. "I wouldn't fart on him! Just what kind of girlfriend do you think I would be?" George giggled as she pushed Chris away. "Go encore on someone else. I pity the girl that winds up with you and your stomach."

"Hey, girls loves me. I'm just not entirely sure what I'm supposed to do with them all yet. And doesn't dating someone give you free fart range, or is that marriage?" Chris asked when they finally go into the kitchen. "I'm serious. I don't know much about girls at all, just that some have really nice boobs and butts."

"I think you'll find that's marriage," George answered, but her head was tilted as she tried to work out in her mind if it was marriage or dating. George had moved to the fridge to fish out eggs and bacon, but she turned to look over her shoulder at her brother as she smiled. "And that's what I want, kiddo. You don't need to get tangled up with girls just yet. They'll make your life complicated."

Chris sat down at the table, dropping his head into his hands as he thought. "Hmm. That's what Dad said. Told me to never get married," he admitted, glancing up at her. "Is that why you don't want to get tangled up with the nurse?"

"Well, for starts he's a boys, and boys are different. But they do make life just as complicated when they feel like it. And marriage is... a long way off. It's not like I don't want it. I don't really not want it. Or not not want it?" She scrunched her face up as she elbowed the fridge shut, keeping a careful hold of the eggs. "I think it's just about knowing it's right. Mom and Dad weren't right. Not deep down. Dad also did say making us with Mom was the best thing he ever did. So he can't regret it that much."

"Do you have any married friends? How do they feel about it?" Chris asked curiously. It wasn't like he was old enough to have married friends. All the married people he knew were middle-aged or divorced and bitter. He nodded. "That's what he said. He said it was nice once but it changed, they grew apart. How can you know that won't happen when you decide to get married? Because it sucked when they got divorced. I hated it."

"I know, 'topher. Me too." George pressed her lips together at the memory. She and Chris had spent a lot of time in her room when their parents had been splitting up. She'd lost count of the amount of times she's had to crank the TV up to try and cover their fighting. There was also one time while Chris had been at a friend's house that she'd screamed at them for putting him through all their shit. They had managed to keep the fighting to a minimum after that. "Just Pat. He's married now to a publicist. Dude's super hot. Makes me wish I was a gay man to get in the middle of that action. Pat loves being married, but it took him a while to even start dating Aiden. He was worried because of his MS. Didn't want to lump Aiden with it when he figured the guy could do better."

Chris was chewing on his thumb nail as he listened. "That's your boss, right? I've heard you talk about him before. It would just make things different if you loved somebody, though. It makes it worth it, and then kids. Kids make things awesome. Look at us. Not that we saved Mom and Dad's marriage, but they still said we changed their lives. Do you want kids?" he asked.

George had forgotten how much Chris could be full of questions sometimes. She had pulled out a pan to start on breakfast, working on scrambling the eggs before she put the bacon on to fry. "Yes, my boss. The one who's pink shoes I had to step into recently. He and Aiden aren't looking to have kids, though. He doesn't want to risk it with his disease. Kids? I--Chris, I can't even manage to date someone. How am I going to have kids? But maybe one day. I don't know. It depends."

"I'd be an awesome uncle," Chris decided with a nod and plucked a couple of grapes from her fruit bowl, dropping them in his mouth. "But that sucks. He shouldn't not get to have kids because he's sick. If they love each other, kids could be fun. You could manage to date someone. You could date your nurse, but you gotta stop thinking he's just your booty call. There's got to be other people at your work who date each other and work together, right?"

"Riley and Evie got married. Oh shit, they're another married couple I know... Keep forgetting Riley's taken. He would have been a great booty call. He's got that quiet geek thing happening, but you just know he's a demon in the sack. He's actually expecting twins. They weren't in the same department, though. Riley's a doctor, and Evie's a nurse." George wet her lips. "I'm not sure he'd agree to dating me because I'm his boss. As for Aiden and Pat I think they need to work the kids out for themselves... I'd love to see Pat as a dad, though. He'd be great."

Chris sniggered. "You have a thing for geeks? So, he just sort of looks like it, but isn't? Shame he's married, when he's the marrying kind. You could have had a go at him. Twins? Fuck. Imagine getting two in one? You'd never sleep again, and all those dirty diapers." He pulled a face, working his way through more of the grapes. "It can't hurt to ask. And technically, if this Pat is your boss, how do you think he would feel if you dated the nurse? Would he care? Hey, you should rent your uterus out. They'd need a chick to have a kid."

"I have a thing for sexy geeks. There's a difference. Riley really would have been a great lay... And he's bisexual. Imagine the fun I could have had." George gave a slight sigh, but then she grinned. She really was happy for Riley and Evie. "Yeah, twins. It'd be insane, but they're always so close. Like built in BFFs. Pat's an identical twin. I don't know how he'd feel... Maybe I'd be overstepping a line he doesn't want crossed? I don't know, what if they don't want my uterus?"

"Is the nurse a sexy geek? Are you friends with the Riley person? Shame the other nurse got in before you, but hey, you have your nurse." Chris really had no intention of letting this one drop, and he had all plans of meeting the guy as soon as he could wing it. "I don't know any twins. It'd be cool, though. Can't they read each other's minds? You should talk to Pat, he's your friend too, right? Get his advice. Or Riley's advice. Means spilling the secret, though. It wouldn't hurt to offer, would it? Maybe they don't have any uteruses on offer?"

George thought about Matt, a smile tugging at her lips. "Um, well, kind of. He's got this curly hair that's so sexy. And he's a little quiet, but he's definitely used to sleeping around. Riley was never obvious about it. And yeah, I'm friends with Riley. It is a shame, but they're happy together. I think they're a hot couple. Just meant to be." The bacon and eggs was starting to really sizzle, and George quickly pulled out some bread to pop into the toaster. "I think they have a definite link. It's stronger when they're identical. They can know when each other is hurting, or sick. And yes, Pat is my friend, too. Secret spilling might be... necessary if I want advice. I don't know. I'm not sure I want to bring it up in case it's still a touchy subject."

"Got any pictures?" Chris asked, leaning forward eagerly on the table. "No sex photos, though. I don't want to be scarred for life." He held his hands up like scales. "Riley or Pat, I say you need to spill. Riley's done the work love thing, Pat's your boss and your friend, but sounds like a cool guy. Knows his love. Well, don't just throw it at them. They might have uteruses being flung at them from all angles. Chicks like gay guys, right? They'd want to help. But if it ever comes up, just offer your services. Would you do that? Would you have someone else's kid? I guess it would depend on who you were having it for."

"Yeah, it would depend on who I was having it for," George murmured. The toast was ready, and George threw everything onto a couple of plates and slid one in front of Chris while she went to fetch a couple photo frames from her lounge room. One had George with Riley at a work thing, and the other had her with Pat and Aiden. "Guess maybe I could talk to them both... It wouldn't hurt. I can't believe it. You're back for one night and already have my head all turned upside down. You're such a pain."

Chris started to dig into his breakfast as he looked back and forth between the photos. He pointed to the first one. "This isn't the nurse, is it? He's bloody hot! Not that I'm gay or anything, I'm not, but he is hot." He moved onto the next photo with a grin. "Now, this is your boss and his husband. I can tell. The pink scrubs. Jesus, how much would they give girls wet dreams? There are all these chicks in my classes, they like watching gay guys together. They look happy. You should talk to them. They'd know the nurse, right? Hey, it's my job as your brother to be a pain in the ass. It's law."

George smirked at the photo of her and Riley. "No, that's not the nurse. That's Riley. He's the doctor with the very pregnant wife. And he really is hot. And now my head's filled with images of him and Matt, and it's not making for an easy morning." George laughed. "Well, gay guys are hot together. The right gay guys... They are happy. Really happy. I'm glad Pat let himself fall in love, and I'm glad Aiden never gave him a choice. And I'm still not sure Matt's had much of a chance to meet Pat. Law? We'll see about that."

"So, you have no pictures of the nurse? Jeez. He's not some serial killer, is he? Drug addict? Crack dealer?" Chris conveniently didn't add he was still trying to plot his way into the ER. He thought plotting it into the surgical ward was maybe a bit extreme. "Oh yeah, he's been sick. Poor dude. He doesn't look sick. He's the twin, right? See, I'm following. Gotta know all this if you're going to be stuck with me for four years."

George took a bite of eggs as she watched Chris quietly. "I want to be stuck with you for longer than four years." She looked down at her plate before she moved again, this time rummaging through one of the drawers in her kitchen. Matt didn't stay over, so she assumed using a kitchen drawer was safer than hiding it anywhere else in the house. She pulled out a photograph without a frame, a polaroid that had been taken one night after they'd had a couple of drinks. She couldn't even remember whose idea it had been. She handed it to Chris. "Yes, Pat's the twin. His twin's a football player. Soccer... He injured his knee."

Chris took the photo and looked at it, tilting his head as he analysed the guy closely. They were both looking pretty happy together. And there was the leather jacket. He was actually probably as good looking as the curly-haired doctor, but Chris wouldn't have picked him as a nurse if he had to. He had a ruffled, casual look. Definitely George's type. "Why don't you just ask him out?" he asked her with a small shrug. "Girls can do that, can't they?"

"Girls can ask guys out? Yeah, sure. Of course they can. I just... I don't know if he wants to go out with me. Saying no might mean no sex, either. And what if it does get awkward after that?" George frowned. "I need to talk to Riley. Or Pat. Or both... Fuck it all to hell."

Chris shrugged as he picked up his toast, eyeing it hungrily. "How are you going to know if you don't ask? It's a risk you gotta take or you're just always going to be his bit on the side. You deserve better than that, Georgie. Or I might be forced to belt him in the face if he doesn't treat you right," he warned, taking a huge bite out of the bit of toast.

Words: 5451

[with] chris morrison, [rp] need2bebusy, [co-written] need2bebusy

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