Title: To Please the Monster Inside [Chapter Seventeen]
Pairing: Carlisle/Jasper
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Fiction
Summary: The monster inside Jasper lusts for human blood. When the desire is too strong to resist, there is only one who can help. Carlisle tamed this monster once, and now he must try again.
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Comments 6
I can now full see Jasper as Edward see's him. I like that.
And Jaspers view on it all is fully explained as well.
I was wondering though , what if Jasper did drink from a human. Would he feel the same as he did when he feed from Carilise? Would it feel better?
Because every time he drinks from him it when he feels he can't control himself around humans.
Looking forward for more and I guess I'll just have to wait and see and be surprised by the 'bedding' when it comes around.
This chapter was actually frustrating to write, because what I wanted to do more than anything was just have a lot of things be explained, instead of trying to do it further on in the story. So I am glad to hear I did my job of clarifying a few things.
and i believe you may be right, as i think i have only come across perhaps one other carlisle/jasper fic in all my time searching. and trust me, i have searched quite a lot.
i'm very happy to hear you are hooked. look forward to your comments in the future.
I do like the way you think.
Thank you :)
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