Title: To Please the Monster Inside [Chapter Five]
Pairing: Carlisle/Jasper, Carlisle/Esme
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Fiction
Summary: The monster inside Jasper lusts for human blood. When the desire is too strong to resist, there is only one who can help. Carlisle tamed this monster once, and now he must try again.
He only hesitated for a second before biting into the hard, frozen flesh that waited under his lips. A growl rumbled low in his throat as blood hit his eager tongue. Eyes closed tight, Jasper curled his hands in the fabric of Carlisle’s button up shirt, moaning softly.
Thick, cool blood slid down his throat, salty and so satisfying. Jasper could feel the animal inside him, the monster, growing, expanding, enjoying the seductive taste of the other vampire’s blood.
Carlisle stood still as a statue, eyes glazed and staring straight ahead. His lips parted slightly, small, quiet gasps escaping them as Jasper’s venom seeped into the wound in his neck. The doctor’s hands held his son in a vice grip, one at the back of his head, the other at the small of his back.
Jasper’s growls grew louder and more frequent, his back arching into Carlisle’s body. His fingers clawed through the doctor’s shirt, tearing the material and digging at the flesh beneath.
Carlisle could feel the venom burning, his body becoming weak, his vision blurred. “You have to stop now Jasper.” Despite the pain and the dizziness, Carlisle’s voice was firm and calm. He moved his hands to Jasper shoulders and pushed hard,
Jasper’s body tensed, a rough, husky growl building in his chest. He took another long, deep drink, and stopped.
He licked the wound and stepped back, eyes still closed. His breathing began to slow, and he took two more steps away from Carlisle.
Blood dribbled down his chin as he sucked on his bottom lip. His eyes were still dark with desire, but a shade of gold lingered around the irises. He wiped his mouth with the back of a trembling hand.
Still high on bloodlust, Jasper took several more steps away from the doctor before asking, "Are you alright Carlisle?"
"I will be fine."
"I'm sorry... for hurting you."
"My pain is a small price to pay, Jasper. I have to go now. I need to hunt... with Esme."
Carlisle began to walk away, but Jasper stopped him. "What will you tell her?" his voice was low.
"The truth." Carlisle answered without turning, and moments later, he was gone.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Jasper didn't follow for a long time. He stood, motionless, not even breathing, in the darkening forest. The taste of blood was still strong on his tongue, copper and salt and fucking bliss.
As Jasper rolled the taste around his mouth, he noticed something was missing; human bloodlust. It wasn't there anymore, gnawing at the back of his mind, trying to win control of the monster. Jasper sighed with relief.
It had worked... again.
He never really had any doubts, though. He believed it would work, but knew that Carlisle hadn't been so confident. After all, the only other time they had ever down this was decades ago... and there had never been a guarantee that it would work more than once.
But it had. Jasper could feel his hunger fading rapidly. His eyes continued to lighten, he began to breathe again.
Now his thoughts turned to Carlisle and Esme, and the conversation they would be having right now. How would his mother react? He knew Carlisle would help her understand. She wouldn't doubt that her husband had the safety of innocent humans in mind.
But... then there was Alice. Of course, she had known of all this even before Jasper. She hadn't approached him to speak about it yet. Would she ever?
And finally, Edward.
Jasper felt his breathing hitch.
Edward would be mad.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Esme followed Carlisle through the woods, toward the mountains. They kept up a rapid pace, moving like bolts of lightning through the trees. Esme was all too aware of her husband's desperate need to feed. She had asked how much blood her son had taken from him; "Enough," had been his only response.
She wasn't angry, and was certain to make that clear to her mate as soon as his explanation was through. She had listened in silence, her golden eyes locked on the doctor's tired face. It was not her will to judge him for this. She knew Carlisle too well, and found it easy to grasp the sense behind his actions. It would break her heart if her son lost the control he'd worked so hard for. And she knew it would destroy Carlisle. Her husband was sensible, and she had no doubt that he knew the danger he would have been putting himself in if Jasper had snapped - if he had not been able to let go.
When Carlisle had finished, he had stared at her, love and worry in his honest eyes.
She leant forward, placing both her delicate hands on either side of the doctor's face.
"Did you expect I would be upset?" she asked seriously.
"I wasn't sure what to expect. Of course I knew you would understand."
"Of course." Esme leaned in to place a small kiss to her husband's cold lips. "I love you." she whispered.
Carlisle closed his eyes. "I love you too."
Stepping back from the doctor, Esme stared into his eyes. "You're weak, darling, let us hunt."