Title: To Please The Monster Inside [Chapter 33]
Pairing: Carlisle/Jasper, Jasper/James
Rating: M
Disclaimer: Characters owned by Stephenie Meyer.
Summary: The monster inside Jasper lusts for human blood. When the desire is too strong to resist, there is only one who can help. Carlisle tamed this monster once, and now he must try again.
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Comments 4
As for Carlisle's offer. I hope he's not just reacting to Jasper's feelings again like the last time and then only to pull away. 'Cause that would be just cruel.
Also, you my dear are a tease, but then again I forgive you because your wonderful with updates, better than any LJ writers I've ever seen.
And also because I am in love with your style of writing. I'm not just saying that. Seriously, I write myself and I find it so hard to write descriptive and narrative pieces as well as dialogue. and the way you weave them all together is flawless and fluid...
like this for example:
[I don’t know.” Carlisle sighed, touching Jasper’s face with his fingertips. “All of us have changed in the time you were gone. We can’t lose you again, Jasper. I can’t lose you again.”]
And the characterization...just wow.
Talk to you later Darling.
Thank you for being great.
You shouldn't flatter me so much, I'll grow a massive head and fall off my chair.
But really, thank you so much.
Hope the moving is going well.
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