Jun 14, 2006 12:25
Went and saw X-Men 3 The Last Stand last night with Kayla.
Was pretty good.
We didn't stay for after the credits to see the whole thing that shows there's going to be a 4th one or whatever it was suppose to be.
Did not sleep good at all, again. Don't know why I haven't been able to sleep lately. It's really starting to piss me off, cause we all know how much I love to sleep.
Still somewhat sick. Just coughing some really.
Haven't heard anything from Debo, so no idea if we're hanging out or not today. If we do and he wants to go see a movie, I hope he has enough for him at least, I might have enough for myself. But it's looking kinda effy.
I had $20 and now I'm done to 6.25. I got coffee last night, went to the movies and gave Kayla 5 for gas so she could make it home.
I should go clean out the dishwasher, but I'm kinda putting it off. Don't know why, but I am.
My father still hasn't spoken to me since my open house. Pretty sure he's still pissed off. Why? I don't even know why he got pissed off at me, but he did. That man is seriously, one of the biggest cunts alive.