Continued from
here"I remember," she said automatically, a sad sort of smile curving her mouth as she remembered the first time she'd said that to him. And then: "I'm the one who said it, so yeah, I definitely remember. I haven't exactly gone senile just yet, Doyle
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He looked back at Cordy again, pretty sure he couldn't do any worse now if he just came out and said it. Whatever it was, anyway - he wasn't sure yet beyond pointing out what had happened and what he hoped would continue to happen.
"You forgot the part where we kissed," Doyle pointed out almost helpfully, although he was pretty much terrified. Didn't matter what he told himself or how he thought Cordy was going to act, actually doing something was always the hardest part. "And the part where I want it to happen again."
The part where Doyle wanted it to happen again? SO not news. That film had already ran at 11 months and months and months ago, but she didn't even feel the urge to point that out.
Something was clearly wrong with her.
There she was, clutching Angela's Ashes like a baby-man-in-training actually wanting the happen again thing to, well, happen again. Because the last time (oh, okay -- times; the hurricane near-death thing counted, totally) they'd done the kissing thing, it had been very nice, much nicer than the 'goodbye, good riddance, see you in another lifetime and ( ... )
Cordelia made a mental note to actually not say that, as the last thing she needed was Doyle playing Irish Music Man and getting everyone (i.e. that rat bastard Josh Lyman's) attention to air her business in public. Really, there was no telling what sort of stuff Doyle could pull when hammered and she would take no risks.
She was smart that way.
"It does," she said, softer somehow this time around. "But now nothing has to get old, right? Except for Angel's island-made hair products, because they're just NASTY."
He sat back again, giving Cordy half a smile. "I never did get to ask you out."
"No," she said. "You didn't. Because Angel showed up and then the Scourge and then there was that whole light-beacon-deathray thing and THEN there was that thing were you went all John Wayne-Vampire Slugger and Noble Heroic and you left me."
Setting her book down, Cordelia scooted closer to Doyle, eyeing him seriously. "Don't ever leave me again. And are you gonna ask me out or what already?"
Still, Doyle was glad for a chance to at least make up part of that night, and he was pretty sure Angel wasn't going to show up and ruin the moment again. He took a quick look around the area once, though. Just to be sure fate wasn't going to kick him in the balls again.
"Cordelia," he said, and he could remember exactly what he wanted to say that night, six words that meant more than they might have at any other time with any other couple who didn't have the kind of past they did. "Will you go out with me?"
"Of course I will. Duh," Cordelia said, and then she took up Angela's Ashes and thwapped Doyle on the shoulder with the novel for good measure. "Took you long enough, didn't it?"
He kept smiling, though, and shrugged at her question. He wasn't even exactly sure why he'd waited - probably some bastard mix of fear and letting her get over Sam, or whatever. The point was he'd done it, and the rest didn't really matter anymore. "Yeah, it did. What do you want to do, then? Or do I get to come up something on my own and surprise you?"
The smile softened after a bit, and she bumped a knee against one of Doyle's. "I think you just might have a few surprises up those polyester sleeves of yours."
"I'll figure something out. Surprise the pants right off you," he said, and it felt like so many different times before back in L.A., only this time Doyle knew he could actually follow. He could afford to promise Cordy something nice - mostly because nice meant improv here, and that, Doyle could deal with.
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