Oct 04, 2004 17:25
Well, I'm super happy. Today we got our first comp 282 programs back from the teacher with our grades. I was a little nervous when he was passing back the programs because a friend of mine in class who is pretty good at programming got a 17/20 because his program would crash on occasion. When the teacher called my name I got up and picked up my program. Upon looking at my paper, a huge smile lit up across my face because I had received a score of 21/20. At the beginning of the semester, the teacher did tell us that we could theoretically receive more points than the 20 possible on projects because he gives +1 for beautifully commented and spaced code, but it does not normally happen, so considering this I'm really happy. Because I received a 21/20 on the last program, I think I'm going to try to make sure my spacing is perfect on this one in hopes to receive a 21/20 on this one too.
As far as studying for exams goes, I'm quite confident about my comp 222 exam since all we need to know is how to simulate 3 RAM mapping schemes and how to check for errors in data by calculating bit parity, which both operations are simple. We also need to know some advantages of S-RAM, D-RAM, DDR-RAM, and SD-RAM, but the differences are not that hard to remember. My comp 282 exam doesn't sound to hard either, it's mainly concerning the graphs, and algorithms which we've been going over which I enjoy tracing, and secondly the exam is open book, so if my mind blanks (which happens on occasion during exams) I'll be able to look it up to refresh my memory. The only exam I'm kind of worried about now is my physics exam simply because I haven't really be studying for it nor have I even looked at the homework for chapter 25.