Aug 14, 2004 10:12
wow i cant believe it. every year a new celebrity goes to my brother's camp and usually we'll see him in the back of a picture pretty far from who ever it may be. but no, not this year. we look at the pix and who is up on stage w/good ol' paris. yep you guessed it, none other than maxwelll . i'd post the picture but i have no clue how to do that so if someone cares to tell me how i will do so later. so yeah taht was one of the funniest things i heard all day yesterday. other than that i dindt really do much. work was pretty good cuz it rained for a good portion of the day and in the afternoon was the Merrick Woods Idol and everyone was hilarious. then last night a bunch of us went to the outback only to sit out there for over and hour and end up getting pizza. then everyone dispersed and i really don;'t know where anyone went. so i went to sara's and we got fat and got carvel. man i am obsese. then we just hung out and watched tv and her sister rebecca came and tried to act cool for me. i love whne little ones try to impress. its cute. so that's basically all i did. today is FAMILY FUN DAY over at Merrick Woods so i'll be there from 12-2 and then hopefully the day wont be shot. if you know how to put a picture into this journal please let me know because the pix of my bro are so funny!!!!!