May 31, 2004 21:55
hey. i just got back from taking a board back to garrett. i went surfing today, but it was too choppy. i caught one, but when it was time to stand up there was like no wave left. it was strange. we ended up having this body board competition. soo much fun, i wiped out hXc a few times. craig had some funny one's as well. on saturday, went to a graduation party at matts, left there then went to one at craig's. we came back to matts and played cards. craig won $20 and i won $16. we went to Taco Bell and grabbed a bite to eat then went back to craig's and watched baseball tonight then crashed. on sunday, went to OC w/ mandie and her family. that was fun. today, chilled then went surfing(obviously). this update's over. i'm going tomorrow to apply for jobs, get a celly(like all the other cool cats), then surfing. holler back.