Oct 20, 2005 23:44
hey everyone, i havent been updating cause i have been enjoying my college experience. But now, i think all of you curious people should know what i have been up to this past month.
lets start with October 2nd,,, this was homecoming weekend and that night i met up with this new kid at the time named dave and we went to watch the barnfire and stuff which was lame so we decided to go to hall 1 and g1 and party it up. That was fun and i have some pics of that night. me and dave got pissy drunk and then he stayed the night. he's a commuter, but he always finds a place to crash, lol. That whole weekend was fun, o yeah and i had a hairshow for modeling that weekend and they did my hair which was fun. Hung out with dave like for that whole week after and he HAH he stayed in my room for 5 nights in a row, god i love college. thne we got busy and its sucks but hey im going with the flow...
on October 4th i went to a chs volleyball game, i miss it a lot. I saw RALPH which was awesome and i cheered with all the boys on the bleechers. Then i saw Mike Levesque and that was exciting. yeah i miss playing vball a lot these days.
so yeah the next weekend was cool, partied as usual but dave got really drunk and passed out and i help him get on the couch and,,, god im such a good person,,, but yeah, then i went to see spengler and Pi in the other room in the suite and they saw that i liked dave a lot and we had like a therapy session for like 4 hours into the night so i just stayed there. I think Pi really likes me now, lol, hes from russia and is sooo cool, and has a hot accent, sort of. I've got pics.
BOY PROBLEMS!!!!!!!!!!!! u have no IDEA....... i know 3 guys really like me and they r super hot,,, but the one guy im sort of into doesnt want a commitment now,,,, ahhhh it feels like high school!
i went to Eastern CT University and UCONN last weekend with carey and we saw dashboard confessional. That was an awesome night, met careys friends and we bonded well, lol. got lost on the way to UCONN, we wanted to party so bad but we got there like around 2ish, and uconn is 10 minutes away from eastern!
HAH Marc Summers came to bryant and he spoke to some Communication major students, he was fascinating in person, his OCD and everything. he is short...
ummm grades are good so far,,, i like my professors and the party life died down a little. O YEA i went to Babylon ( a club) last week withe my girls and that was fun, except for the fact that all the girls striped and danced naked on tables,,,, sort of disturbing.... but i love dancing, then i met this kid Leonardo, OMG latino lover LET ME TELL YOU!!!! then the next day he came to bryant and we chilled for a few, HOT HOT HOT,,
so, life has been good, ive been to tons of movies too with Meg and i am spending lots of money lately, Im getting my hair done again for some modeling stuff, its gonna look hotttttt, i cant wait!
its thursty thursday, why am i on this, i should be drinking, ttyl