well it seems or buddy Gopher boy deleted his journal and went hiding again, due to the fact he knows he is lying and manipulative but most Gopher always find a new burrow so I will look for his new one through a meta tag search, but I did predict ashes fear of the truth, and prepared for this specific even for those who wanted to read his journal
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I'm the most anti-ignorance person you will ever cross, and today is just a bad day to be seeing this shit. I know Ashe too.. and Ashe truly loves every girl. Want me to send you a few of hte emails he sent me? It's the same shit Kristen gets and I can tell you that for a fact. Cuz I've seen her emails... LOL..
I don't know who the hell you think you are getting off in saying that Jay is egotisical and blah blah blah.. obviously you don't know him. Jay adores that girl with a passion and would treat her a million times better than Ashe could dream of. Knowing him, he'll be banging some other chick soon behind Kristen's back. It will probably start with a T too.. that seems to be the linage of them. Hell you know him soooooo well, you should know he's got the repution of fucking other girls behind his gf's backs. If not, ask him.. nm, he might lie or give half a story. And you saying that he's getting depressed, oh yeah it's going to happen soon. Cuz as he told me.. it's a scientific fact that when guys get depressed they need sex to numb the pain. *rolls eyes* Sorry, must have missed that in the science books and generalize facts of boys.
Tell you what.. I have a temper, it's been my downfall.. I disqualifed for my 3rd year championship junior kick-boxing for giving a fellow boxer a compound facture. But sorry to say, Jay has no temper compared to me.. and you have no intelligence compared to alot of people.
And why don't you leave your name to your lovely message? Makes the world wonder. That's ok, though. You can remain anonymus like everyone else in the shit-head's world. He uses names from the Princess Bride as people's names. Like we are fucking dense or sumthin.. it's Buttercup, not Kristen by the way. LOL..
Their happy?!?! Sorry there.. I'm come to realize that happiness does come in small doses. It's either a chocolate chip cookie or a cigarette or a 5 second orgasm, that's it. You cum, you eat the cookie, you smoke the butt, you go to sleep and get up and go to work.. which Ashe doesn't have one of those..
Their not happy.. no one is fucking happy! Life sux, get a fucking helmet! Ashe and Kristen aren't happy.. oh shut the fuck up! Quit your dense whining and shut the fuck up!
I wanna know where the fuck you came from? Honestly.. out of no where you add your 2 inane cents and haven't even been here for the past 2-3 months of this shit going on. It's time to go wipe STUPID off your forehead. Thank you for calling...
hehehe.. hey jay.. decapitation..
You may be a bitch, but I like your style!
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