Jun 02, 2005 01:37
hey all my hommies and g-dawgs out there! lol i was just writing to tell you how confused i am! lol well as most everyone knos i have liked steno for quite a while and he didnt kno untill just before school got out..now i didnt kno if he liked me or not but i liked him alot...and now that i haven't seen him for a while i am confused if i still like him or not! and then i started talking to Puc and i used to like Puc too before he got expelled :( ya well ne ways i started talking to him and we were suspossed to make plans and never did and then i saw him at Burger King when i was there with Jeremy, Melissa, and Brittany and i was like o man hes still hott as ever! and then i saw him again a few days later at the mall when i was with Melissa and i was like woah! lol and now i'm not xsure if i like him or not. THEN...all of a sudden Peter comes out of no where and he likes me and idk if i like him or not because hes REALLY sweet and nice and makes me feel good and he wants to take me out to dinner and go to the beach and all that sweet stuff and its just making me even more confused! lol so now everyone know me coufusion! lol about guys ne ways! lol
<333 Sarah <333