Jul 10, 2005 19:35
soo the past 8 day week has been great...im lovin it. good moods and attitudes everyewhere..(for the most part...but the few bad ones dont bother me cuz ion let em :-)
but anyways, so my birthday party numero uno of about 5 was today. i got a digital camera...FINALLY! i am so excited...not the last technologically deprived one. haha. so now the hard part is figuring it out...hmm..lol juuust kidding..its not that bad. i read like 2 out of bout 50 pages and i got it pretty much under control. *peemp*
lol..back to my weekend x2 and week...so i really dont want to sit here and tell the looonnnng story, but just know that I had my 4th o july party here at the beach house and if you werent here ya shoulda been cuz we had so much fun. minus the small disagreement afterward with Sergeant Bean. lol. it's fine, tho. I love her. we're good.
sooo..i went to sarasota friday and saturday...twas awesome...met really cool friends of hers who like..."footage".(thats all i will say about that) lmao. *mm*..cant say i blame em but they are really into it and hopefully they will succeed and become famous...and *we* prolly will too, but whatever. haha. i had fun and I wanna go back. suh d@mn far, tho. *sighs* gahd, florida is sooo big.lol i am just realizing this...blah
it really felt like the hurricanes last summer...today. but minus all the lesbians invading my territory..lol no, it was fun. hope there will be great times like those THIS year...with diff people!I have a feeling it's gonna be cool. Ill only have 2 classes (even though they're at blow-@$$ times)...and my business will keep me outta trouble when im not hanging out w them, so Im def lookin forward to this year..last semester at UCF...awe *sadness*...tis why ima make it the best.
"WTH" *wink* that last paragraph sounded like Iz writin an essay for middle school er suntin. lmao. ugh.
random thought: "so are you guys together or just still dating" WHAT?!? *rolls eyes* Thank you, God for special people for us to laugh at. and that is my prayer for now...
going to play wif my new toy now~~