May 31, 2005 21:34
i wont elaborate on the title to this entry...but they are there...all the time...
it's funny how like i only ever wrte mean/mad stuff or drunken stupid stuff on here. heh. it amuses me.
soooo I went down to Whorlando this past weekend and was reminded that I'm not missing much. It used to feel like home. Now it's just like...iono....i just get this stressful, dramatic vibe from it and it's like so boring. iono. maybe it's just me.
my girl says I should eat a biscuit. I hadn't seen her in like 2 weeks cuz I'm in "Canada" then I come back to ORL and I guess eating right and working alot cost me a few pounds...which is good I think, but she insists that I eat a cheesburger, but I told her I'm just back down to what I should weigh cuz whenever i go to orlando...even to visit...i eat it all this unhealthy sh..crap and get all fat. BLEH.
ANYWAYS, so plans for the future are slowly coming together. I am hoping I'll get to do everything I want to do this summer!! I can't believe I'm only gonna be 19. what kinda crap is that. man, im so young!
Awe I was thinking about a couple people today that have made me happy in my like a particular way. and they were both the same. same qualities about them and characteristics. I miss them. I want to meet more people like them. Hopefully I will see one of them soon.
I think I like straight girls. suntin about them that draws me to them. I'm sick of gay people. Everyone's gay. I like straight girls who like me...
(it's funny cuz you don't know who I'm talking about so you don't know what I'm really thinking.) lol oh well.
I like a challenge. heh. This is me analyzing myself. shhh...don't talk. let me. I feel like if I don't have to really work to get someone to like me, then it's not as ....iono...i wanna say "worth it," but that's not what I mean exactly. I mean don't get me wrong, if someone likes me I'm not gonna NOT LIKE them just cuz they weren't a "challenge" but I like to make people think, I guess. Make them really think about what they want and what they like. Really make them want me. lol that sounds funny. reminds me of ____. funny.
sooo I am pretty athletic. I mean I never really played sports on a TEAM except for track in middle school, but I was always playing them with friends and just being active outside n stuff...getting all dirty n sweaty n stuff. (i love to sweat..heh)But MAN. the other day i sweated more in like 45 minutes than I think I ever have in my LIFE. lmao. It was riDICulous...minus the dic. I found it rather amusing.
then she saluted me.
so bean and her friend went and robbed the fields of all this fruit. She brought home like 20 cantelopes for me and a bunch of other stuff. That's cool cuz I almost broke down and went to the store today cuz we aint got no food here. sucks. lol but not ne more! yay for fruit. i seriously think I could live off of it. well i know i can...cuz....i DO. heh that's all i eat is like fruit and..the occasional sub. *mm*
alright. well i'm just rambling now...except oo oo oo I am going to Georgia this weekend to the cabin to go "rompin" and fishing n shrimpin and four-wheeling etc etc.
cant wait. but yeh so ima go stuff my face fulla cantelope and pass out. gotta get up early again tomorrow...