(no subject)

May 26, 2017 23:22

Now, 'There is no place to go 1 if you know what is truly meant by that statement. It is also true that
there are as many places to go as you wish to find. You always create the places and the destinations at
which you arrive. There are no places, and there are infinities of places. The inner self forms all systems
and all places. On the one hand you can indeed call them illusion. On the other hand, these illusions are
quite real. They are the clothing over the basic reality.

The basic reality is indeed within the illusions. Look beneath them and within them and you will feel it.
But they are themselves composed of it, and you cannot really separate the two. Words are inadequate
to explain what I mean here.

Basic reality cannot know itself without creating diversity. The diversity is the various forms that reality
takes, the various systems within which it expresses itself through projecting itself into infinite
individualized experience. Now that sentence is an important one.

Each inner self is a portion of the basic inner reality. It cannot know itself, however, except through
experience, and it must create in order to experience. The experience constantly deepens the value
fulfillment of basic reality itself There is no alternative between diversity and nothingness.

That which is, is constantly aware of its growing, surging existence, through the diversity of experience
which it creates constantly and simultaneously. You are part of that which is, you are that which is. It is
impossible for any part of that which is not to be individualized. Every part of that which is, is alive, and
knows itself.

Session 305, Page 199-200 05.29.24

You have only to use your ability consciously, to examine the nature of your thoughts and feelings and project those with which you basically agree.
Jan 1, 2024

Your expectations are your strong hopes or beliefs that something will happen or that you will get something that you want.
June 08, 2022

How to start your day in the vortex

March 5, 2023


Discovering Your Point of power

You can change the picture of your life at any time if only you realize that it is simply the one portrait of yourself that you have created from an unlimited amount of probable ones. The peculiar aspect of your own probable portraits will still be characteristic of you, and no other.

The abilities, strengths and variants that you may want to actualize are already latent, in your terms, and at your disposal. Suppose that you are unhealthy and desire health. If you understand the nature of probabilities, you will not need to pretend to ignore your present situation. You will recognize it instead as a probable reality that you have physically materialized. Taking that for granted, you will then begin the process necessary to bring a different probability into physical experience.

You will do this by concentrating upon what you want, but feeling no conflict between that and what you have, because one will not contradict the other; each will be seen as a reflection of belief in daily life. As it took some time to build up your present image with its unhealthy aspects, so it may take time to change that picture. But concentration upon the present unhealthy situation will only prolong it. Period.

Each condition is as real or unreal as the other. Which you? Which world? You have your choice, broadly, within certain frameworks that you have chosen as a part of your creaturehood. The past as you think of it, and the subconscious, again as you think of it, have little to do with your present experience outside of your beliefs about them. The past contains for each of you some moments of joy, strength, creativity and splendor, as well as episodes of unhappiness, despair perhaps, turmoil and cruelty. Your present convictions will act like a magnet, activating all such past issues, happy or sad. You will choose from your previous experience all of those events that reinforce your conscious beliefs, and so ignore those that do not; the latter may even seem to be nonexistent.

As mentioned in this book (in Chapter Four, for instance), the emerging memories will then turn on the body mechanisms, merging past and present in some kind of harmonious picture. This means that the pieces will fit together whether they are joyful or not.

This joining of the past and present, in that context, predisposes you to similar future events, for you have geared yourself for them. Change now quite practically alters both the past and the future. For you, because of your neurological organization, the present is obviously the only point from which past and future can be changed, or when action becomes effected.

I am not speaking symbolically. In the most intimate of terms, your past and future are modified by your present reactions. Alterations occur within the body. Circuits within the nervous system are changed, and energies that you do not understand seek out new connections on much deeper levels far beyond consciousness. Your present beliefs govern the actualization of events. Creativity and experience are being formed moment by moment by each individual.

You must understand that your present is the point at which flesh and matter meet with the spirit. Therefore the present is your point of power in your current lifetime, as you think of it. If you assign greater force to the past, then you will feel ineffective and deny yourself your own energy.

For an exercise, sit with your eyes wide open, looking about you, and realize that this moment represents the point of your power, through which you can affect both past and future events.

The present seen before you, with its intimate physical experience, is the result of action in other such presents. Do not be intimidated therefore by the past or the future. There is no need at all for undesirable aspects of your contemporary reality to be projected into the future, unless you use the power of the present to do so.

If you learn to get hold of this feeling of power now, you can use it most effectively to alter your life situation in whatever way you choose - again, within those limitations set by your creature hood. If you were born without a limb, for example, your power in the present cannot automatically regenerate it in this life, although in other systems of reality you do possess that limb.

Session 656, Page 292

point of power, seth

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