Oct 31, 2005 22:17
Definition of a [ B.F.F.E. ]:
. loves to have raves! .
. someone who just 'clicks' with you .
. they're boyfriends are b.f.f.e's too .
. you feel like you've known them forever .
. you can do/say/act/DANCE without feeling stupid .
. do secret things that boyfriends can't know about .
. when you're together, you want to fight stupid hoes .
. one / third of the b.f.f.e dances really insane .
. one / third of the b.f.f.e wears sweet ass boots and weird ass socks .
. one / third of the b.f.f.e drinks jack straight and keeps drinking until her little heart is content .
. and most of all, they have so much fun cause they b.f.f.e's yo!
Thanks girls for a great weekend <3
Can't wait til Friday...