Oct 21, 2006 13:22
Dance, monkey, dance. Entertain us with your wit and wisdom. Pour your heart and soul and life and love into this, let us absorb it, use it up, breathe it in oh so deeply...then exhale and put it up on the shelf. Thanks for the smile or tear or sarcastic sneer. Thanks, but we're done. Now, you go exorcise your inner most feelings, thoughts, emotions so that we might be entertained again.
Dance, monkey, dance.
Sing or say to us a word that will revert us back to our childhood. Comfort us. Swaddle us in warm blankets. Coddle. Console. Cuddle.
Readmit me to the comfort of my mother womb. I want to feel safe and happy while not breathing and swimming in the embryonic life juices. Sorry about the smell.
Now spit me out, clean me off. I cannot stand, but tell me to dance.
Dance, monkey, dance.
So here on stand on skinny, purple limbs which barely hold my weight, still stinking and sticky. Barely breathing, I will try my best to do a dance for you, but whether or not I succeed, I still lose. I am your clown. Dance, monkey, dance.