Oct 03, 2004 16:52
**...have you ever had the uncontrolable urge to dig deep into your chest with your bare hands to ripp out your still beating heart so that you could cut & disect it into little pieces of a pathetic excuse of love, pain & sarrow only hoping to find the answers to why this tiny bloody organ in your hands can so easily produce unimaginable quantities of love compasion and candor but at the same time stuggle so hard to find someone to love it back?.....huh?...have you felt like this?...no?...isn't this the way we all feel at times?...oh that's right, only i stuggle this hard....and as i type, these words start making more n more sense to me but thier meanings begin to crumble within themselves as an act of self destruction, but the destruction can't be seen in the way i walk, talk, stare or smile...but it's seen only in my heart..in the way i love..and long to be love....that's where the destruction is...**