I cannot believe that I'm agreeing with fox news. I know the whole story behind this, and I usually don't watch YouTube stuff, but this chick is screwed up in the head
http://www.youtube.com/p.swf?video_id=qCdT9dfrb-Q&eurl=http%3A//mrpunk2u.livejournal.com/friends&iurl=http%3A//sjl-static3.sjl.youtube.com/vi/qCdT9dfrb-Q/2.jpg&t=OEgsToPDskLUeQMy1t1Z4l1RXPqx1xHC EDIT: so I went to the website (www.godhatesamerica.com) and these people are seriously more screwed up than I originally thought, seriously some people have issues.