Stolen from pretty much everyone

Nov 07, 2006 01:36

the letter a
are you available? Yep.
what is your age? 20
what annoys you? Even LJ doesn't have enough room... but I'll go with rude people

the letter b
do you live in a big house? No I live in a lovely college crap hole, that kicks every other house's ass.
when is your birthday? march 12
who are your best friends? I think I'm done with this label.

the letter c
what's your favorite candy? Snickers (?)
who's your crush? Basically if you saw tonight's How I met your mother, this is why I'm gonna stay single for a while (I can't pick up on the eyes...)
when was the last time you cried? Its recent, I just don't remember when.

the letter d
do you daydream? Yep.
what's your favorite kind of dog? Labs.
what day of the week is it? Tuesday...barely.

the letter e
how do you like your eggs? over-hard.
have you ever been in the emergency room? yup, mostly for my dad.
what's the easiest thing ever to do? think yourself insane.

the letter f
have you ever flown in a plane? Several times.
do you use fly swatters? when I do I never use them to swat flies.
have you ever used a foghorn? yup, and it rocked.

the letter g
do you chew gum? yup.
are you a giver or a taker? am I the only one who thought this was a sexual question?
do you like gummy candies? worms, definatley worms.

the letter h
how are you? Pissed.
what's your height? 6
what color is your hair? brown.

the letter i
what's your favorite ice cream? Strawberry
have you ever ice skated? badly
do you play an instrument? a few

the letter j
what's your favorite jelly bean? I hate jelly beans
have you ever heard a really hilarious joke? actually I'm deaf.
do you wear jewelry? yup.

the letter k
do you want kids? Perhaps.
where did you have kindergarten? Grandby Elementary School (Norfolk, VA)

the letter l
are you laid back? Mostly.
do you lie? who doesn't?
when was your last kiss? its kinda hazy, but maybe quite recent... [I'm questioning hazy drunk actions]

the letter m
whats your favorite movie? I have far too many.
do you like mangos? I've had mango juice, but never a whole mango, so I'll say yes.

the letter n
do you have a nickname? yeah, the fav is "sancho"
whats your favorite number? 42
do you prefer night over day? hells yes.

the letter o
whats your one wish? to find something/where that 'fits'
are you an only child? Nope.
do you wish this was over? no, it helps me avoid looming physics homework

the letter p
what one fear are you most paranoid about? sudden unpredictable death.
what are your pet peeves? Rude People
what's a personality trait you look for in people? wit.

the letter q
whats your favorite quote? depends on my mood

the letter r
do you think you're always right? if I'm educated on a subject...yes.
do you watch reality tv? yeah
whats a good reason to cry? full tear ducts?

the letter s
do you prefer sun or rain? rain. as long as its at least 60 degrees
do you like snow? No. it is really evil.
what's your favorite season? Spring

the letter t
what time is it? 12:33 PM
what time did you wake up? Around 12
when was the last time you slept in a tent? hmmm...too long ago.

the letter u
are you wearing underwear? Yep.
do you prefer underwear or thongs? Underwear
underwear or boxers? um, boxers are underwear.

the letter v
whats the worst veggie? eggplant.
where do you want to go on vacation? Australia.
where was your last vacation to? Boston.

the letter w
what's your worst habit? Definitely procrastination.
where do you live? Champaign, IL
what's your worst fear? being stuck at home.

the letter x
have you ever had an x-ray? yeah
have you seen the x-games? yup
do you own a xylophone? sadly no.

the letter y
do you like the color yellow? sure.
what year were you born in? 1986
whats one thing you yearn for? life, liberty, and the persuit of happiness.

the letter z
whats your zodiac sign? Pices
do you believe in the zodiac? Not really.
what's your favorite zoo animal? sting rays, sorry Steve Irwin.


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