Mar 05, 2005 23:48
I bought a new car! It is a Honda Civic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And is 20 years newer than mine, has all four door knobs, heater knobs, front end, no scraps, does not over heat, I do not have to put a quart of oil in it every other day, 40 miles to the gallon, has a sun roof that my dad DID NOT carve out of the car, the tires are actually bolted to the car, I can let go of the stirring wheel without being jerked to the right, the lights work (all of them) doesn't smell like French fries (yet), Smoke does not come spooling out the vents, gas does not ooze out. Goes pass 40, doesn’t shake to the point that you have carpultunel (sp?) from driving, Oil, transmition fluid, and water stays in the car!!!!!!!!!!!! Transmition actually shifts gears, and here are the two winners, First, I don't have to open the door for my dates or my friends anymore because there are FOUR handles, and finally, the HORN HONKS and then shuts off (so get out of my way fuckers) MAWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I know this is not close to being grammatically correct but I HAVE A NEW CAR!