Oct 07, 2011 12:20
...and it appears to will that it weave very slowly.
Life circumstances dictate that I no longer have time to read gigantic fantasy novels. However, I do spend an hour and a half every day in the car, driving to and from work. So, I finally figured out that I can catch up on my "reading" by borrowing audio books from the library and listening to them during the commute. For some reason, I had been thinking about the Wheel of Time lately, so I decided to start with them. I got 7 disks into The Towers of Midnight before I accidentally found out that I had skipped The Gathering Storm. It's remarkable that I skipped an entire book and the characters are in almost the same situations as they were before. I guess that's what happens when you have these elaborate story lines. Even though I'm more than a little disoriented by all the proper nouns being pronounced differnently than the way I have been in my head for the last 15-20 years, I'm still enjoying it tremendously.