Casablancas Residence - Neptune, California - Sunday Morning

Oct 14, 2007 09:27

It was ten in the morning on Sunday so of course Dick was asleep. In fact he was having a pretty good dream involving Annette, Jessica Alba and a tub of Cool Whip. Actually, it was a great dream. Right up until he heard his mother’s voice shouting, “Cassidy! Dick Junior! Mommy’s here! Where are my little boys?”

“What the-? Ew! Where did that come from?” Dick said, rolling over and putting a pillow over his head. “Jessica, Annette, come back!”

Just then Beaver burst through Dick’s bedroom door. “Dick, get up! Mom’s here!”

“Ugh. Dammit.” Dick mumbled. “I’ll be down in a sec.”

Betina Casablancas set down a tray of sandwiches and fruit in front of her sons and took a seat next to Beaver.

“When was the last time you had a lunch like this?” she asked Dick.

“When I was a Brady.” he quipped, taking a sandwich anyways. From behind his mother he could see Kendall pretending to dust something in the kitchen. He knew she was listening to every word they were saying.

“This is great, Mom, really.” Beaver said. “We’re glad you’re here.”

“And so quickly, right?” Betina said, smiling at her son. “I hope you see that. You need me, I’m here. All you have to do is call.”

“The only time I get to act like your mother is when your father isn’t around.” she said.

“Wait-“ Dick said, holding out his hand. “You know we want you to sign something, right? Funds are running a little low now that Dad’s MIA.”

“I know, Dick.” Betina said sternly. “It’s so like your father to think about the glory moment and forget about this day-to-day. Everything’s got to be big and flashy, it’s all million-dollar trust funds and you can’t buy bread.”

“So you’ll help us?”

Betina brushed Beaver’s hair out of his eyes. “Well, I don’t know baby. It’s a lot of money but that’s all there is. I mean, if you spend it all now there’ll be nothing left for college or, god forbid, an emergency. I have to think about your future.”

“Yeah, well, maybe we could come live with you.”

Dick leaned over and punched Beaver in the arm as hard as he could. “Dude!”

“Stop!” Beaver shouted.

Betina gave Beaver a sad look. “Sweetheart, you know we spend most of the year in Europe.”

“So? I like Europe.” Beaver said.

“Could you excuse us for a sec, Mom?” Dick said, taking Beaver by the arm. He pulled his brother into the next room. God willing, Kendall and his mom might kill each other if he left them alone long enough.

“Let go of me, Dick!” Beaver said, wrenching his arm away from Dick’s grip. “What is it?”

Beaver asked.

“You! What the hell were you trying to pull back there?” he asked. “Us, live with Mom? You’re fucking crazy to think she even wants us.”


“No, Beaver. She doesn’t want us and if you really think about it, I don’t think you want to be with her and her new family either.” Dick said. “I’ve got a life in Neptune and a life in Fandom and I don’t want anything to change that. So you get your skinny ass in there, do your future business leader of America bullshit and get her to sign those papers.”

Beaver sighed and looked away from his brother. “Yeah, okay. You’re right.”

“I know.” he said. He pushed his brother towards the living room. “Now get in there.”

[Yet again, NFB and NFI due to distance but OOC comments are love. Most of the dialogue taken from the Veronica Mars episode “Nobody Puts Baby In A Corner”]

I’m still rich bitches!, season two, plottiness, neptune, beaver, my parents suck, good dreams ruined, mom, kendall

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