whats up guys...if you havent already, be sure to check out my last post and pick up that book!
Anyway...even though I'm not Catholic, I definitely feel bad for the Pope as he was a brilliant man and truely a humble servant. I'm glad that he isn't suffering anymore. So God bless him and have fun in heaven dude. See you on the other side.
The weather is slowly starting to get warmer which is sweet relief considering the horrendous winter we've had. So yeah, it feels good. Spring fever is hitting hard...and its weird. Like not to get too personal...but once the weather warms up I go into reproductive mode and I swear I'm like in heat for a month straight. Obviously I don't act on that but its like man...talk about turning on a light switch.
Baseball season starts tomoorrrrroooowww for my beloved Red Sox and I'm stoked. I can't wait for baseball to be on pracically everday again.
And on a completely random note, I absolutely love ketchup. I put an almost absurd amount on my food. BUT I don't buy Heinz ketchup, and hell, neither should you. Why? Because I have no desire to support John Myfaceismeltingsomebodygetabucket Kerry and his irritating IRRITATING wife. If you voted for Kerry thats totally your thing, but you have to admit, you didn't want to see her mug for the next 4 years either. Just admit shes an annoying wench. C'mon its ok, really.
But they're billionaires for God's sake. The last thing they need is another SUV (although Kerry is suuuucch an environmental advocate.) Not that my measly 3 dollars or whatever will make a difference. But it makes me feel good. So, Lirch, take your ketchup and shove it up your anus dude. My cookouts this summer will be chock full of HUNTS. That's right...HUNTS! And you're not an actual Red Sox or Patriots fan so don't pretend like you are just because you're from Massachusetts...(man I hope he reads this!!!) :P
Oh yeah and Michael Moore is a douchebag..but everyone already knows that. Did he have the right to make this stupid movie...of course. But if you think hes some kind of Godsend like so many idiots out there do, you might want to take a good hard look in the mirror. The good thing about his crappy, heavily edited, lame excuse for a movie is that it was good for the economy. Most of the profit he made went right into the fast food industry. No really, its a fact!
Anyway...I don't like to bring up this kind of stuff often...but man, what a bunch of asshats.
Back to the Final Four basketball games....adios!