Title: Release
Characters: Samantha & Janet
Prompt: Dinner
Word Count: 200ish
Rating: G
Summary: After Daniel's ascension Janet makes dinner for Samantha in hopes of consoling her.
Author's Notes: not slash, just friends!!
First Part They sat at dinner. Words were no comfort to either of them so they sat in silence. Janet looked up at Sam. Samantha played with her food. She hid her eyes with her bangs that drooped in her face. Even though Daniel was gone, ascended, she still grieved as much as time would allow her to. Janet wanted to say something anything but everything she practiced in her head sounded rehearsed. As if she was telling a family member, whom she had never met that their loved one was dieing.
Sam stared at her plate. Every now and then she could hear herself sniff her tears away. She wondered if Janet heard too. She wanted to look up at Janet, to thank her for dinner, but her pain was still to near. She thought of all the times Daniel looked like a kid in the candy store. Every ancient civilization, he would light up like a lighthouse cautioning ships in the fog. She smiled thinking of Daniel’s furrowed brow whenever Jack and him disagreed, which was often. Tears started to well up in her eyes when she finally looked up at Janet. Janet was the same. Walking over to Sam she sat next to her. She wanted to be strong for Sam. It was a loss for both of them, and yet Janet understood that Sam needed to grieve. To actually release the emotions, that Samantha always carried with her. She quietly took Samantha’s head onto her shoulder where finally Sam’s held tears started to stream fourth. Muffled cries, and Janet’s soothing hug finally allowed Samantha to grieve in a way that could bring comfort and closure.