Heres to the friends that made a difference

May 25, 2005 17:03

I’m so sad that school is over with… I’ll miss walking through the
halls and not seeing thoughs faces of your friend’s everyday. I’m not
really that sad to say goodbye to my friends because I know I will see
them in the future but I am sad to say goodbye to the kids I know I’m
not going to see anymore. The acquaintances that I’ve had through the
years. This was amazing seriously this year was my best year of my
life. I really wish that I could live in this year forever. I grew up
so much and had a lot of experiences and adventures this year. I’m sad
that everything is ending. Some memories I will never forget …. Jen
yoga class with jone’s mom, Halloween party my house the roof story,
89x concert the best night ever, dance jay and I broke this HUGE shelf
with everything on it, Jens surprise party, going to the Whitney, cedar
point with the gang, children’s village with sham, Florida for
Christmas, making pie with mef for tris and kyle, car war tuna under
gios car, my paint get chipped off uhh, kyles and gios birthday party
playing soccer with pelle, up north meg, kyle, and keith the whole
weekend was amazing, girls night singing dancing prank calls, dance
party at shams house, sledding with the crowd cramming everyone in one
car, movie night jens house you kidder you, kyles going away party
spending the whole day with jenny getting everything ready, eating
competition with the girls at olive garden, Christmas dinner with the
girls at OG, jen and I palying football at kyles house with the guys
jeff really tackle jen, for kyles bday painting gios car and having him
drive through and making kyle wask it, keith and kyle cleaning my room,
skating at backos pond, bon fire at keiths house, prom best night of my
life, working with sham an djust eating, volleyball marathon, going to
the parks with kyle, finding out gio and keith are going to the same
college as me, hot tub party at jeffs, running 5 miles with tris, spy
night sham fell in the spot light, spring break too many crazy times to
write down, my bday party everyone together going bowling, Mormon ball
games racing home, made a basketball backwards first try when mef tried
like 50, sneaking into lifetime with the girls YOGe room, lifetime with
pelle and mef took a kick boxing class pelle was about to die the guy
yelled at them sooooo bad, skipping 2nd hour with lash and going to the
bagel station, on girls night going to a sweet club and dancing the
night away, carnival with the guys they tried to win something,
California surfing, trip to Oregon seeing kyles new life, going to
state with jen jellow wrestling, seeing tanners play, skipping 6th hour
and taking pics with T5, making a sweet touchdown at team sports…….. I
have so many memories I cant remember all of them but I love my friends
so much I really do! I’ve had the best time this year. Leaving high
school is hard its leaving your childhood, your home your past. Its
going to be really hard not seeing thoughs faces everyday in school,
I’m not that close with any of the juniors except jay and I know we
will keep in touch cause shes almost family. The guys I have no idea
who I will keep in touch with I hope mef out of all the guys I have
become really close to him he’s a great and funny guy, tris, jen,
backos, sham all of T5 I wish you girls the best I really do, lash I
have no fear that we wont keep in touch I have confidence in our
friendship. This sucks I don’t want to say goodbye to anyone I hate
goodbyes especially when you don’t know if you will every see them
The barbecue was soo much fun i took so many pics, then the road rally OMG that was the best part i had so much fun it was tris, backos, sham, lash and I against drew, rez, keith and mef and the GIRLS WON wat wat... then tonightwe are going to camp out somewhere after pistons today was the perfect last day of school. I'm leaving friday morning for up north but i am coming home for almost everyones grad party.. mines the 18 all friends are invited!
I'm so ecstaic right now i have the best friends anyone could every ask for, and i am so happy with everything life, family, friends....high school really was amazing i know i wont be able to keep in touch with everyone that i want to but thats why we have memories!~ I'm living life to the fullest and i cant wait to get the next chapter in my life started.So heres to the class of 2005! luv yah all and I wont forget any of you I want to keep updating even through college i was looking through my old lj and it was cool to see how much has changed in this year.
my number up north is 1989-739-2437 but dont call that late cuse its a house phone....
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