I wonder how that effects the calamari?
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Squid With 'Elbows' Captured on Video
posted: 30 MINUTES AGO
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Animal News,
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A A (Nov. 30) - An underwater camera at an oil and gas drilling site off the coast of Texas has captured a rare sight: a squid with "elbows."
The creature, caught on video by a remote-controlled device owned by Shell Oil, was spotted last November roughly a mile and a half below the surface of the Gulf of Mexico, according to a report in
Britain's Telegraph.
First identified ten years ago, the magnapinna squid has long tentacles that hang at right angles from "arms" that jut out from its body. Scientists are still unsure what function the elbows serve, with some suggesting they help prevent the tentacles from getting tangled when trawling for food.
Footage of the rare squid had been circulating among oil industry employees for months, but became public after a recent report in
National Geographic. The magnapinna squid has never been filmed at a drilling site before, and has only been caught on camera a few times.