Nov 11, 2004 23:52
I took Kelley to Cary for dinner and movie. Chicitos was pretty good considering it's the first time i managed to get pretty close to cleaning up the plate of everything. Kinda avoided the refined beans tho. "Saw" was pretty damn thrilling towards the end. Whoever said the movie sucks can suck their own balls. I'm going to go home tomorrow night to pick up surf gear and talk to the parental units about upcoming happenings. I plan to get some downtime to myself and cash in free rentals at blockbuster while i'm crackin away at chemistry plus physics and climo since there's one exam this weekend and two on tuesday. w00t. Then saturday it's back to RAX to do more serious business before i head east to greenville with jason from MEA, where we'll be sat. night. Hatteras is the call for Sunday, and I plan on taking it on to the max. This will definitely test my limits. I just found out that the room i'm moving into at 123, tombom's sis used to live in. CRAP what are the chances?