Oct 04, 2004 23:39
I can sleep in for once! yay. I'm just sitting here watching the KC chiefs play the baltimore ravens. I am very apathetic when it comes to professional sports. All those who are thinking of trying to razz me for that can just fuck off. I don't have the desire to memorize players names and statistical data on each team for the whole season. Physics exam tomorrow nite. Looking forward to breezing through that. I'm already trying to think of what I'll dress up as this year. I'm just guessing i'm going to try and get 3 or 4 others to dress up as the resevoir dogs. I imagine I'll be the one carrying the coke and the cigarette. Hmm, how will I choose to spend halloween weekend? Join in the craziness at franklin street or make my own fun?
I'm putting together a presentation of the Hurricane season of 2004, outlining the overall significance of such a season and blah blah blah. In short, I'm plannin on putting this out in front of AMS so i can step up and say I'm here and I'm staying.
I HAVE DISCOVERED SOMETHING NEW, although not new to a lot other people. I have discovered the great taste of the sweet tea that Teazzers provides at a C-store located near you. It's not the same, but it sure is good enough.