bye February

Feb 28, 2014 17:33

Not surprisingly, I didn't get into work on Wednesday to find a gift-wrapped job offer in my mailbox. (Never let a horoscope get you excited!) Oh well.

In fact, I haven't gotten any kind of response yet. This is great because my enthusiasm was getting a little out of control. Instead I've had a chance to breathe and consider how this would impact different aspects of my life.

Not that I'm talking myself out of it; I'm not.

Before leaving the country it's important to think about how I'd get back to the US if one of my parents got sick, or how the distance would affect my relationships with my friends and family. Even in the internet age, not getting together for holidays or spending time with the kids changes things. On the other hand, it could give me a chance to spend more face-to-face time with friends in Germany and England. Anyway...blah, blah, blah. The bottom line is I'm not rushing off to Leuven just yet. :)

It's a relief to come to the end of February. We're expecting a snow storm on Sunday/Monday, but it will be a March snow storm, and that's different. The snow from a storm in March isn't likely to stay on the ground for another two months. No crocuses come up through January snow, but March snow? It's totally possible! We all know that Spring is pushing to the surface, ready to add some color to what has been white and colorless for months now.

Stay warm and dry Live Journalists! Welcome to March!
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