Party Monster

May 16, 2007 00:01

Talk Show Host: Is it true your son Michael turned you on to the pill ecstacy?
Elke: He told me it was a headache pill.
Talk Show Host: And what happened when you took it?
Elke: Well, my headache went away.


What's your name?: Sarah

What do people call you?: The Skirt.

Were you named after anything?: After too much thought.

If you were born the opposite sex, what would your name be?: Gaylord. HA! Not quite..

Do people spell/say your name wrong?: They spell it wrong.

If you could change your name, what would you change it to?: Annabelle

Gender?: I have a vagina, thank you.

Birthday?: January 1st.

Age?: 18

Height?: 5'4

Eye colour?: Green

Happy with it?: No. I think I'll go drown myself over it.

Natural hair color?: Auburn.

Happy with it? The boys are.

Righty or lefty?: I'm right handed.

Family?: No. None. It wasn't always like this, I had a dog once.

Pets?: I have cats, but they live at my boyfriends Grandmothers house.

Piercings?: Ears, lip, and tongue. I've had my belly button and under my tongue. Come Tuesday, I'll have a belly ring again.

Tattoos?: A fairy and a japanese symbol.


Single?: Never.

Are you in love?: Sure.

Have you ever been in love, if so, how many times?: Twice before now.

Do you believe in love at first sight?: Not quite.

Is it possible to be faithful to one person forever?: Yes, as long as the sex is good.

Do you want to get married?: Someday.

Do you want to have kids?: Yes.

How many?: We'll say 6.

Do you believe in divorce?: Under certain circumstances.

Do you believe in true love?: No. You can make anyone your true love, just put a little effort into it.

Do you consider love a mistake?: Never.

Turn-ons?: Scents and taste in fashion. I like a well kept boy. I also like a boy who treats a girl like dirt.

Turn-offs?: Fat boys and snort laughs.

Do you think the opposite sex finds you attractive?: I have 4 boys who are quite in love with me. Either I'm hot, or have one hell of a personality.

What is best about the opposite sex?: Honestly, I find them easier to talk to.

What is worst about the opposite sex?: They think with their penis' and like gore.

Are you a virgin?: No.

Do you believe you should be in love to have sex?: No.

How many people have you had sex with?: What a question. 8.

Do other people consider you a slut?: Not really. I dated almost all of those guys, and was in love with three of them, and thought I was in love with another.


Where are you?: Victoria, BC

What can you see out your window?: Flowers.

Are you listening to music?: The Great Escape by Boys Like Girls.

Are you lonely or tired?: I'm lonely due to not seeing friend in two and a half weeks. I'm tired from not sleeping last night.

Use 5 words to describe how you are feeling: Lonely, musical, loved, sore and bored.

Are you talking to anyone online? If so, who?: Jenn, Mike Ouellette and Ian

Are you talking to anyone of the phone? If so, who?: No one anymore.

What are you wearing?: Jeans and a tee.

What are you doing?: Smiling.

What's on your mousepad?: I have a laptop.


How many true friends do you have?: True friends. Ian Bolt, Bryant Baxter, Dawn Tomlinson, Kazlyn Cambly, Kyle Nadeau, Kat Minty, Chris Hudson. I'll say that Danyel Eikajdlfkadfkjson and Zoe Doyle are too, we haven't hung out much, but still, amazing.

Are you a loner?: Sadly.

Who is your best friend?: Hands down, Dawn.

Oldest?: Dawn.

Newest?: Kyle.

Shyest?: I don't have friend like that.

Loudest?: Bryant, Kaz, Kat, Danyel.

Smartest?: Definitely Zoe. Bryant got a sexy brain on him too.

Ditziest?: Dawn.

Funniest?: Bryant.

Who is the best listener?: Danyel.

Do you prefer to hang out with one friend or a group of friends?: A group. I feel perfect in a group of the people I love to death.

Who do you wish you were closer to?: Distance wise, Kat and Dawn. Relationship wise, I'll say Danyel and Zoe. Those two rock.

Who knows the most about you?: Dawn, but Bryant knows who I am the best.

Who knows the least about you?: Kyle.

Who do you trust the most?: Bryant.

The least?: I won't say.

Who do you fight with the most?: Chris.

Who do you talk to online the most?: Dawn and Ian.

Who do you talk to on the phone the most?: Bryant and Kyle.

Do you trust others easily?: No.

Name one whose arms you feel safe in: Bryant.

Whose house were you at last?: Bryant.

Who's your second family?: Kat and Dawns tie.

Who lives the farthest away?: Kat [Windsor]


Smoke?: No anymore.
Drink alcohol?: Not anymore.
Do drugs?: Not anymore.
Pray?: Most nights.
Go to church?: No.
Sleep with stuffed animals?: The teddy Kyle gave me.
Take walks in the rain?: Yes.
Dance in the rain?: Sometimes.
Do any sports? if so which ones?: Badminton and soccer.
Sleep around?: No.
Lie a lot?: Not really.
Steal?: Hearts.
Gamble?: LOVE IT.


Kissed a stranger?: Many times. I'm the kissing queen.
Slept with a stranger?: Yes.
Spun until you were so dizzy you couldn't walk?: Yes.
Screamed so much you lost your voice?: Oh yes, FUCKING MOSH! XD
Laughed so much it was painful?: "LP" YES.
Cried so much it was painful?: Yes


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