Slip into something more comfy, slip into me.

Feb 25, 2007 22:20

I broke the shift key on my computer off, so making capitals sucks.

I guess my weekend was exciting. My parents came in. We went and seen Bridge
To Terabithia. I loved it! Amazing movie. Very sad though. There were
'13-year-old giggling and bubbly' wannabe's [i'm calling them wannabe's
because they were like 8] behind us. I wanted to fucking punch them. They
laughed the ENTIRED movie. My mom told them off though :)

Saturday we went to the the winter carnival at the Fort. Wasn't bad. To sum
it up, there was meeting Wendel Clark, sleigh rides, Prism//Harliquin, tubing,
pankcakes, snow maze, and eating maple out of the snow. I couldn't find my
winter boots, so I wore runners. BAD idea. My feet were so soaked, but
they had fires going, so I took them and my socks off and put them by the
fire, and my mom caught my socks on fire. My feet were steaming and people
were like 'holy shit batman' and offering me their socks. It was pretty fun
though. Hannah spent the night with me.

So someone was doing a quiz, and this question stuck out.
30. What's your favorite smell?
Well, I smell like camp fire from last night. I'm refusing to bathe until
the scent leaves, because I'm in love with it.

I went to go buy boots today, but it was unsucsessful. I'm going on Wednesday
to buy some though. I needs them. My shoes get soaked in like two seconds.

Wanna see something sexy?

Yeah, I'm wicked hot, I know :P
This was from movie night.

Anyways, I'm tired.
Hope you all had a wicked weekend too :)


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