Hold Me Together...Keep Me Coming Back for More

Aug 15, 2005 12:53

^ that is my prayer. I really have to stay focused on God this year and really get a rock solid faith. It's my last year in my place, my school, my house, etc. Soon I will have to move on,and this is the reason it is so important for me to stay grounded. I have been thinking and discussing my opinion of how awesome it would be to have a Godly guy. Wow! This past weekend was BLAST and some of our roomates talked about their boyfriends. You can tell the difference in a Godly guy and a worldy guy. I haven't really given this much thought untill now. How awesome would it be to have a boyfriend that prayed with you?! Dont' think that I am sitting here being desperate for a guy, I'm not at all. I am actually perfectly content the way I am. But Just the thought....i get excited!
It is so hard to be a light in a surronding dark world. Esp. At the lunch table when you are with your so called friends....you still love to talk about the stuff they do and act like they do....but you Can't. how do you do that?! Any comments or advice are welcome.
I pray that God takes away my judgemental comments..and thoughts....
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