3 (Kono hates her life just a little bit today)

Nov 14, 2011 20:47

[Action A - Zemekis Corp. Offices, morning]
[Secretary.  This must be one of the worst jobs in Mayfield, although Kono really doubts that, honestly.  However, she is very, very sick of typing on an ancient typewriter, taking notes, filling coffee mugs, and hearing every pet name in the book.  After exploding at the first guy who called her sweetheart on her first day, she was just met with a cheery smile and drone-weird-creepiness.  She gave up fighting it, but today she's feeling extra pissy.

If you work in the office, Kono is breaking pencils at her desk.  Feel free to stop by her desk in the front and see why she's breaking poor, innocent pencils or grinding her teeth.]

[Action B - 463 Stone Street, afternoon/evening]
[After such an annoying day at work, Kono goes home and takes out her newly regained standard issue Hawaii Police Department gun.  It came with some ammo, and while she knows she needs to save it, she figured some target practice wouldn't hurt.  Plus it'd make her feel better, since she can't go surf like she really wants to.

After making sure the drone-kids are in the house reading or something, Kono sets some cans she found in the yard and shoots at them.  Her neighbors will be able to see her in the yard, focused intensely on shooting cans.  Be careful to announce your presence clearly before you talk to her, or you might get a gun whipped in your face.]

So, what does everybody do around here when you've had an annoying kind of day?  My go-to methods just aren't working for me today...

Is there any natural water anywhere in Mayfield?
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