Aug 04, 2004 15:38
man 6th period sucks a big one. the teacher, makes our class....dumber? he tried to explain math, and hes a phsyics teacher..shannon knows what im talking about. anyways, i started taking hydroxy cut and creatine again cause i have weight lifting now, i got stronger over the summer for some odd reason, now i can do 175 like 5 times...i think i can do 200 205 noww. ive gained 15 lbs in two days in fluids, ive drank a couple gallons of gatorade water and the past two days. school is going alright besides 6th period. the rules are really gay now, but if mrs coleman was principle, this would be one of the best years i think, you could basically walk out of class when she was there and now you cant miss more than 9 days. which is bull, excused or unexcused, but whatever i dont make the rules. ive gotta mow the lawn here in a minute, its blistering hot outside too, i think my moms trying to kill me or something.
screw doing the lawn, im dumping out the gas.