Mar 18, 2007 23:56
I didn't think Adam being on vacation would bother me so bad.
Not so much that I don't trust him, cause mostly, I do trust him.
But being away from him this long is bugging the shit out of me.
That's really bad.
Sure, I miss him alot,
but maybe too much,
and that's never good.
I love the kid,
but he's only been gone 4 days, wtf.
Maybe it's the fact that so much shit has been going on and I have noone to talk to about any of it...
Or Maybe it's just the fact that I'm sick, with a fever and feel like shit and am still going to work all week and have noone to take care of me.
Or Maybe it's because he comes back friday, at the end of spring break and won't have time to see me, and neither will I. He goes away the weekend after he comes back, and that sucks sooo bad. Especially cause that weekend is our two months.
Geez, that sounds pathetic.
Who knew I'd be like this over someone I've been dating two months?
Well, it seems like two years, not two months...
We spend so much time together that it kills to be away from him.
Hopefully, he's feeling the same thing though.
So, update on whats been going on lately.
There's been two robberies at gunpoint in our apartment complex, a robbery of someone's car, and a shit load of ghetto people and people from jail in our apartment complex, and we feel way too unsafe.
So, we're breaking our lease, and moving, yet again.
This time to Port Orange.
Rent is 819, which is going to kick my ass when we move...
and I'm not really looking forward to busting my ass to pay rent or to be that far away from Adam.
So much for getting a car and paying monthly...
My dad's been in and out of the hospital the past couple of weeks. He has a hernia. They thought he might have lung cancer, cause he had spots on his lungs, thank god they're just smoky, and there's nothing wrong with them.
They tested his prostate, no cancer there either, but they do think that he has colon cancer, and they're going to run a colonoscopy after his surgery for the hernia. Hopefully he's ok. I cried the first time he called me and told me that. I honestly don't know what I'd do without my daddy, and I'm worried about him.
Spring break's been pretty sweet, even though I'm working all week.
Yesterday we went down to the beach, and for those of you who don't know, Daytona Beach is one of the top destinations for Spring Break.
There are people EVERYWHERE.
We went and walked around for a while with miss Kendra being drunk and talking to shit loads of boys... then went to Little Mike's for 5 minutes, I wanted to go back, but Kendra and Chelsea had other plans. We went to these boy's hotel room and went swimming in the hot tub. It is 40 degrees outside you guys, and you have no idea how bad we froze when we got out. I think that might be the biggest reason I feel like I do right now.
Work's doing better, I'm getting the hours I want and am making more money. I needed it.
School for the most part is OK. I registered for summer classes and need to pay by the end of this month, and I'll be done with school by next summer, if I follow out with plans.
It's so much easier just to be working full time and not worry about school.
Anyway, I think that's all my update.
Plus my nyquil is starting to kick in, I suppose I should let it take over from here.
I miss my Adam, he needs to come take care of me =(
Night you guys.