
May 19, 2005 16:39

lalala. fun day. i guess.

[Before School] walked by Kyle.. heard him say some way mean stuff about Hillary. i felt like choking him. then i told hillary everything i heard.. and then kyle ended up breaking up with hillary?! and she was crying.. we were trying to make her feel better and shit.. so then i called him an oompa loompa and alexa was like, "oh you got him now!" and then she called him a little fucker.. and then we went up to kyle and he was with Carl.. and im like.. "Y0U HAVE N0 BALLS! 0R MAYBE Y0U JUST HAVE 0NE! A UNi-BALL!" and then Carl started laughing and he's like.. "THAT'S A GO0D 0NE!" and im like.. "yah i know!" and then alexa made up a name for kyle.. a fuck-a-loompa. because he's a fucker and an oompa loompa. lol so yah then the bell rang and shit and i went to mrs carrahers and took pictures with my new camera. ha i took a really funny one of ian.. and i took one of andy. ha WE SH0ULD CH0P HiS HEAD 0FF! [lol margaret..]

[1st Period] took some more pictures. then we went and cleaned out our lockers. but i had nothing to clean out. theni went over to like johnnys locker and ian held up his language arts grammar book and he's like.. "do we still need this?" and im like, "yah!" so then he threw it away. then johnny found a horse in his locker [lol..] uhh yah then i went to nicoles locker.. then i was gona go back to my locker but then mrs evans shouted, "ALEX G0 BACK T0 CLASS!" so like everyone could hear it. whatever. german queer. yah so then i went back to class. then esteban sprayed some nasty ass cologne and mrs evans made this HUGE deal about and shes like panicking and telling people to open up the doors cause we need to air the room out.. and then shes like, "if i run out of the room its because i cant breathe! so ill have to get a sub to come in!" can you say DRA-MA QUEEN?! geeze. it was one freaking squirt. get the fuck over it.

[2nd Period] folded some towels. then i took a picture of Jordan and Jamie. and then i took a picture of a container of FRUiT LO0PS!

[3rd Period] greek shit. then i told ricky to shoot a spit ball at klaudia. so he did :]

[4th Period] had B lunch. it sucked ass. then we went back to class and it was fucking hilarious. ari was like all crazy and shit and then i pulled his chair out from under him and he like fell and the chair went like flying. ha it was hilarious. amber couldnt stop laughing.. then we went to the computer lab and took the final. i got a 60% lol. then when i was done i listened to music. i listened to icp, the gorillaz, linkin park, slipknot, and blink 192. yeyuhhh.

[5th Period] watched the rest of the gay movie. but i just listened to my ipod.

[6th Period] took part of the final. it was easy.

lala.. i wana post my pictures by my computers being a homosexual and wont let me instal the thingy that i need to install. fucker.

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