God, I'm almost halfway through the school year (one week to go before Christmas holidays, but I'm four months out of 10 and a half in, and if we forget the half (let's forget the half) then there's only six to go), which is insane. My rlist is full of such incredibly articulate people, and so many of you make these posts which make me feel like I have such a fascinating window on your lives, and show me how important and significant the things you're doing are, and I keep wishing I could make a post like that. Teaching is... it could begin, and I would somehow manage to just pick my whole current life up and put it straight into your brain, no miscommunications and screens between us, and you would understand the whole tangled mess of stuff that's going on.
I can't do that, I can't even come close to it, because it's a tangled mess of stuff, and, ngl, I'm only good at putting deep feelings into fic.
There is basically no point whatsoever to this entry! Hmmmmmmm. Let me add some UK rap!
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I just really love Genesis Elijah, tbh.
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I really like the measured heaviness of this, and also the bit where the police officer is grinning as they all sing at him.
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Okay, I like this because it is a) a fucking hilariously bad video and I am a connoisseur of bad rap videos shot on someone's phone and b) I like it. Interestingly, it comes across as skating close to BNP territory, which is because of the way that white skinheads rapping about how English they are reads. Given that there are several non-white friends in the video, I am pretty sure that English Frank and Dru Blu did not even consider this reading. There are several things that someone not me could tease out of this, including the historical origins of skinheads being strongly associated with black music and the way that the white working-class of many areas of London now operates in a world where they are the minority - non-white people are still a minority in London, and a huge minority in the UK, but because of the way race and class intersect the working-class of London (and maybe other cities? idk) is extremely multicultural, in a way that the middle-class is not yet. Aaaaaanyway, I like the fact that two white men have chosen to express their pride in their Englishness in rap, an artform strongly associated with black culture, and speaking (probably authentically) in a dialect which is strongly influenced by Caribbean English.
To be fair to English Frank, have a better video with less dodgy visual overtones:
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And finally, a woman, HOORAY. I love my UK women. (And a bit of Nottingham, as well, not London.)
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I WILL STOP NOW. Ugh, rap is the best. ♥ (Also, Lowkey has retired, apparently. *mourns* Let's all watch
Terrorist? in remembrance and admire both his lyrics, his politics, and his looks. *is shallow* Well done, that interrogator, for bringing a dictionary to an interrogation! Indispensable. And actually, on the shallow front, let's also rewatch
Hand On Your Gun, because I really like that coat.) (Both of those videos have nasty surprises at the end - not hideously shocking but I always switch off once the track stops.)
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http://surexit.dreamwidth.org/91106.html with
comments. Comment wherever you like.