An exciting fic week for Lost Prince! There was another lovely chapter of
The Unlikely Traitor by
osprey_archer, in which a dungeon features and it's just perfect, AND there was a fic about The Squad! :D:D:D:D
Barrack Remnants by
amoama, which gave me all sorts of Squad feelings, particularly at its last line. (Rat left them behiiiiiiiind. Because they're not the sons of gentlemen. Dammit.) ♥
In my-life-related news, I am currently trying to write a reasonable answer to this question: What is learning? Reflect on when you expect to see learning; where you expect to see learning; and how you expect learning to take place. Kind of thing that makes your brain shut down, right? MINE DEFINITELY HAS. Also I need a new job tag for the next two years. I am semi-retiring 'my job is that of a cultural imperialist', because I am currently not being a cultural imperialist (although we could debate that: as an extremely middle-class person my (not-yet-started) teaching of working-class students will in fact constitute a form of cultural imperialism, discuss), and using 'my job is lighting up children's brains' because :D.
Expect this to be changed to 'my job is making me cry tears of blood' about, oh, three weeks after I start in September?
Apologies to those of you (which is what, three people?) who are waiting for the final story in the PSMITH PORN series, I am currently too engaged in What is learning? and other wanky yet interesting questions, but I want to write it. And then after that: Eagle brainships! Yessssssss. And also, in other news that is not Lost Prince or teaching related, I am rereading Persuasion and it is still the most beautiful thing ever written.
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comments. Comment wherever you like.