Person of Interest

Mar 21, 2013 20:39

I tripped and fell into Person of Interest. Also I've been a bit sick and hot and busy. But let's not talk about that, let's talk about Person of Interest, because it's SO SO GOOD OMG.

Obviously I love Carter and Finch and Reese and Fusco (okay, actually, I really love Fusco and I want people (REESE) to start being nicer to him and other people (CARTER) to listen to him when he tries to talk to them about his less-than-great past because he's trying, alright, and he has an adorable son and also remember that time he saved that model all by himself and no one was even paying attention and also I love his face) (I also really love the other three, and could do overinvested bracketed comments about all of them and the things I particularly love) (particularly I love the fact that Finch and Reese are both ROBOTS with almost no understanding of other human beings) (also I love how sarky Reese is) (also &Carter;), but I also want to say that I squeak with joy every time Leon or Zoe turn up, because they are both just flawless flawless people (except in the way that they're really not and also Leon makes gloriously bad life decisions). I am also loving the deeply cynical edge to the show, the fact that the underlying politics don't make me cringe or make me angry (I was wary, because TERRORISM!), the intelligent plotting (both within each episode and the overarching plots, although I won't lie, I prefer the self-contained episodes because they make me less tense - I JUST CARE A LOT ABOUT THE MAIN CHARACTERS OKAY?) and basically the general awesomeness. And Reese beating bad guys up is really satisfying.





[ETA: Also, I'm concerned about Bear. A dog that size needs a lot of exercise, and I'm not sure he's getting it. :( These are the things I think about.]

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a fan for the ages: person of interest

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