Welcome to the WORLD of TOMORROW & baby's first K-drama

Jan 21, 2012 23:31

I've just watched two lovely things! Well, one really really lovely thing, and one lovely-ish thing. The lovely-ish thing first:

Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow
This is a 2004 film that I wanted to watch at the time and I just never got around to until
verbosewordsmith made a post about how it would make a great Captain America AU. And I was in the mood for mindless shiny tonight, and it delivered! It has 2004-era Jude Law, who was actually really hot (I forget how hot he was with the pall of sleaziness that hangs over him now - except when, as
skygiants pointed out, you put him in a lulzy Victorian moustache. SUDDENLY hotness and adorableness return - HOW DOES THIS HAPPEN?). It has Angelina Jolie being so. fucking. amazing that I fell in love immediately. And because that is apparently my go-to response to amazing women at the moment, I now ship her character with Peggy Carter. IT WOULD BE GLORIOUS. (I really wish I could find a clip of Jolie's character on Youtube to gesticulate wildly at and make people watch, but essentially: she has an eyepatch, and the most ridiculously plummy English accent, proper Queen-levels, and she's the Commander of a Royal Navy flying airstrip with an amphibious fighter corps and she is RIDICULOUS and WONDERFUL. Which is kind of the film. RIDICULOUS and WONDERFUL.)

Things I was ambivalent about: the plot's stupid, and I really couldn't stand Gwyneth Paltrow's plucky reporter character mostly. Which was annoying, because she had lots of ingredients that I should love (passionate & witty & stylish & life not revolving around a man &c.) but she was just required by the plot to be really, really dimwitted two or three times, and I ended up just being like 'ARGH STOP BEING SO ANNOYING AND GO AWAY'.

And then! I watched the first episode of:

Sunkyunkwan Scandal

skygiants has a post here about this show and why it is awesome. WHICH IT IS. Basically, here is the sentence which made me finally, finally download a K-drama: Sunkyunkwan Scandal is basically a lulzy college-hijinks drama! . . . set in eighteenth-century Korea.

IT'S EXACTLY AS GREAT AS IT SOUNDS, SO FAR. Only one episode in, but some things:
- I am missing so much cultural context, it's kind of great. I mean, frustrating, but it also leaves me in this sort of restful contextless void. It also means that I'm not 100% that I'm understanding all of the plot points. BUT WHO CARES? The people are pretty and the clothes are awesome. (Seriously, awesome. There were these two... possibly prostitutes? (I think this might be a cultural clue I'm missing) with their hair all piled up on the side of their head and then these hats perched riiiight on top of it, they were so cool. The hats, of which there are many and varied shapes and sizes, are my favourite things. I LIKE HATS.)
- Kim Yoon Hee (plucky cross-dressing hero) has an incredibly expressive and sort of hilarious face, with very, very wide eyes - she spends a lot of time looking shocked or sad. I kind of love her.
- The two eligible bachelors are both separately awesome, although Moon Jae Shin definitely has my heart at the moment, OMG he's so dashing. *___*
- There is a character called Go Yong Ha who, on being asked why he is helping someone, says various noble things, and then basically goes, 'HAHAHA NO but seriously, for the lols, man." Except also with facial expressions. I love him.

And now to bed. :( And tomorrow, more boring work that needs to be done to prepare folders for the new teachers arriving in April. If you wanted to give me things to do in between copying and pasting and formatting Excel documents, which makes me want to scream, we could revisit that meme:

Tell me about a story I haven't written, and I'll give you several sentences from that story.

I know I already did it pretty recently! I feel kind of bad about doing it again so soon. But if you want to play with me AGAIN, current fandoms are: Avengers movieverse, Merlin, Generation Kill, Psmith, Psych, almost any animated Disney film, maybe bandom, Dan'n'Lewis if you want. Also possible: stuff we've talked about recently or you've seen me mention recently, I have lots of fandoms. (MAYBE INCLUDING THE TWO THINGS IN THIS POST.) Also Pratchett, someday I am going to write fic about Vimes and how he should be my friend.

Also posted on Dreamwidth at http://surexit.dreamwidth.org/36284.html with
comments. Comment wherever you like.

scribbling: meme, a fan for the ages: everything else, a fan for the ages: sungkyunkwan scandal

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