[KSGokaiger;prose] this war is long over (3)

Apr 06, 2012 23:14

Basco Ta Jolokia, Captain Marvelous, Gokaiger crew

Sally is happily tucking into the bunch of bananas he's given her for a job well done; the Ubarian lizards may have been hell and a half to kill but their frills would have ensured at least three space-cycles of financial freedom. So he is content to turn a blind eye to the brawl brewing at the corner to nurse that well-earned pint of grog.

At least, until he realizes that names being shouted over the din sound increasingly familiar, as though he's unwittingly committed them to memory. He lifts his head in time to see one guy flying towards him, having been launched by a punch and there is an aggravated cry of, "Joe, why did you have to go and do that?!"

Basco neatly avoids the collateral damage, and because curiosity is a difficult thing to satisfy, he finds himself taking a closer look. At first glance, he can't seem to pick anyone out from the brawl, which is strange since he is actively looking out for the weird colour-coding thing Marvelous seemed to have assigned to the pets. He settles for personality quirks, or what he can dredge from his memory anyway. Which meant that the two noisy ones wildly flailing about trying to pull someone else from the fray could only be the ex-green one and the earthling, and the person they were pulling, long hair braided into tight whorled loops, that one could only be Marvelous' Zangyack pet. The women were slightly easier, in that there weren't many human women at the bar anyway. It's clear to see that the thief hadn't lost any of her spitfire, nor the princess her iron mettle, who is perhaps the only one whose face he bothered to remember.

He knows he should take his leave, because if Marvelous' pets are here, that means Marv is too. But he's quite perturbed that the crew has lost much of their idiotically convenient colour coding schtick, and even though he knows Marvelous' face like the back of his hand, it is easier to pick out a colour than a face in a bar-fight brawl. It's stupid, but for some reason he wants to see Marvelous again, maybe for nostalgia's sake. Still, he also risks being recognised by the crew, and that is more trouble than Basco thinks he can handle, and so he decides to leave.

He could use the warp, but the flashy effect, normally useful for distraction purposes, is the least he needs right now. In moments though, the pressing need to decide on the subtlest way to leave vanishes; he sees Marvelous at the same time Marvelous sees him. In that small space of time Basco notices that Marvelous had ditched the characteristic red coat (shame), instead wearing a subtle black vest. He looks the same as much as Basco remembers, and shockingly, it hurts. But there really is no time to dwell, not when he can see Marvelous' expression morphing quickly from recognition to shock to rage, his mouth soundlessly forming the shape of his name.

Fuck subtlety. "Sally, we're going," Basco says. He takes her arm and warps out of the bar, sending the customers shouting in alarm. Sally grumbles briefly about the loss of her bananas but she lumbers after him anyway, and when his foot tires she steps up and supports him on her shoulder.

They return to the Free Joker, and for a moment Basco wonders at the strange, incessant ringing that seems to be emanating from the storeroom. He sends Sally to look for the source, and when she emerges, he curses himself for not realizing sooner.

The last he remembers of the glittering gold mobirates is throwing it in the store the moment he got on board with Sally, right after the final battle with Marvelous. Then, he thought that even if it rang, he couldn't possibly have heard it, buried under all the miscellany that he hadn't bothered to clean out. But it was all too clear now that Marvelous hadn't even tried calling, not once.

He had really believed that Basco had simply died like that, a sorry pathetic death at the hands of a mere human.

Sally looks at him, the mobirates still caroling out its tune, oh, how Basco wishes to wreck it. But he can't bring himself to, not at this moment. He wants to hear what Marvelous wants so much to say, judging by the endless trilling. But it can wait. He's waited this long already.

"Bring it to me when it stops," he tells Sally, and heads to the helm to set them on a new course, quick and far and away.

stip: this war is long over, fandom: kaizoku sentai gokaiger

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